7 Ways to Boost Your Immune System

7 ways to boost your immune system

Boosting your immune system does not have to be that difficult. You can do easy steps starting now to live a healthy lifestyle. This is everything that Dr. Mike Weiner tells his patients and what he does every day. If you start this today, you will notice more energy, better wellbeing, and more importantly, a better immune system to be able to fight off any illness. The nervous system and immune system are linked together and these tips will quickly boost your immune system for optimal health.

  • Eat vegetables and whole foods

Buy foods that cannot come out of a box. Buy carrots, spinach, kale, lettuce, Brussel sprouts, peppers, potatoes, squash, fruits and more. Avoid grains and sugars such as most cereals, bread, sugary drinks like soda, and anything that is processed. You can lightly cook these vegetables with extra virgin olive oil and even bake them lightly for better taste while still preserving the nutrients.

A large part of the immune system is in our gut where we digest food. Eating the proper foods for our body allow our body to digest everything properly. Eating vegetables has different vitamins and nutrients to decrease inflammation (cause disease) and improve the nervous system and immune system together.

  • Sleep regularly

Sleep at around the same time every night and get minimally 8 hours of sleep per night. Sleep is when the body heals and allows the immune system to rest and be ready to function properly throughout the day. Avoid looking at TV, computer, and phone screens late at night to allow you to get the proper sleep cycles. Getting outside for 15 minutes a day

  • Get 15 minutes of sunlight per day

Getting sunlight gives us the proper vitamin D for the day. Vitamin D is great at boosting the immune system. If you can’t do that, supplement with vitamin D droplets you can get at any food store.

  • Drink water

Drinking water – especially filtered water – is essential for overall health. Drink 24 ounces in the morning before you start your day, then 24 ounces in the middle of the day, and 24 ounces at the end of the day. Your urine color should be light yellow or mostly clear. That is how you know you have hydrated to the full amount.

  • Get 30 minutes of physical activity 5 days a week

This will allow increased blood flow to the body, help the heart, your vessels, and improve mood, which all help with the immune system. Do this at a brisk walking pace and that will increase your health. You can add more strenuous exercise, yoga, stretching, and other activities to help boost your immune system.

  • Have positive thoughts

Wake up every day and say something you are grateful for. This will allow you to think more positively. Positive thoughts can allow your body to produce feel good hormones and allow proper healing. Start by saying 1 thing you are grateful for each morning.

  • Get regular chiropractic care

I have seen patients that do not get sick as often, don’t have allergies anymore, eliminate sinus infections, and have greater energy through regular chiropractic care. My treatment consists of postural adjustments, exercises, and specific traction to improve the body’s alignment. Improving spinal and postural alignment improves the nervous system, which is linked to the immune system. There is something called the neuro-endocrine-immune system that controls the body. When these function properly, the body can heal properly

A patient that I just started treating followed these steps I have outlined. She was getting sick once every month and had to call out of work and felt her body was breaking down. After lifestyle changes and correcting the curve in her neck along with her posture, she has not been sick yet. She feels she has more energy, people have noted that her mood is better, and more importantly she feels much better about her body.

Through chiropractic care and lifestyle changes, you can achieve a healthier lifestyle. Even myself have found that I am not affected by allergies for the first year ever after focusing on correcting my cervical (neck) curve. I have noticed more energy and feel much better about myself.

I also can give people exercises at home for their posture along with specific devices to correct your spinal alignment. I do these every day to improve my posture, spinal alignment, and health. My patients do these every day too and therefore they notice they do not get sick often. Chiropractic care can be very beneficial to overall health, the nervous system, and the immune system.

Start these today and your health will improve drastically.

About the author: Dr. Mike Weiner is the lead chiropractor at Optimal Spine and Body located in Alpharetta, GA. He has been practicing for over 3 years and practices a very different type of chiropractic called Chiropractic Biophysics. He has extensive knowledge in maintaining a healthy lifestyle through nutrition, physical activity, positive psychology, proper posture, and spinal alignment through specific chiropractic care.

You can contact him through email at admin@optimalspineandbody.com or by calling 770 274 4840 for a free consultation to talk about what ways to improve your health. You can follow Optimal Spine and Body on facebook, Instagram, and youtube by searching Optimal Spine and Body.