Mirror Image™ Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments, defined by Chiropractic Biophysics technique, are any force applied to the spine and body that shift the structure towards an ideal alignment and function to restore nervous system function. Dr. Mike Weiner at Optimal Spine and Body practices Chiropractic Biophysics – an evidence-based chiropractic technique focused on correcting spinal misalignments and posture into the correct position to improve health. What is the difference between a traditional chiropractic adjustment and an adjustment done with Chiropractic Biophysics – called mirror image adjustments.

Traditional chiropractic adjustments:

There are numerous types of adjustments that chiropractors learn in chiropractic college. The typical chiropractic adjustment is by the use of the chiropractor’s hands to apply a force to the joints of the spine and/or extremities (joints outside the spine) to improve the mobility and function of the joint complex. This in turn will essentially lead to a “reset” of the nervous system. A patient will feel relief, decrease in muscle tension, increased mobility of the joints, and even improvements in organ function since all the nerves connect to every tissue and organ in the body. Chiropractors can also use instruments such as an activator. This is an instrument designed to move the spine faster than the muscles can contract. Drop table techniques are also used. This is when the force is applied to a region of the spine or pelvis and the table will drop so that the force is absorbed into the table – not the patient. All of these different ways to adjust the spine are common with traditional chiropractic. Dr. Mike Weiner utilizes these techniques in his office at Optimal Spine and Body in Alpharetta, GA to improve the functionality of joints, decrease pain, decrease muscle tension, improve mobility, and decrease various different symptoms such as headaches, migraines, numbness, tingling, stomach issues, digestive issues, and others.

Mirror image™ chiropractic adjustments are designed to shift the spine into a more normal and ideal alignment. Traditional chiropractic adjustments have not been shown to change the alignment of the spine through X-rays. This is because traditional chiropractic adjustments aim to improve mobility and functionality of the joints and spine – not the structure and postural alignment. To improve the structure and alignment of the spine, the body region needs to be placed in the opposite position – called mirror image position – and then a force will be applied to hold the spine into that position. If someone is shifted backwards in the middle and lower back, then the patient will lay on a block on their back. A force will be applied to the pelvis with a drop table. This will then push the spine into the opposite position and when this is done repetitively, the posture will start to align into the opposite position.

Dr. Mike Weiner is certified in Chiropractic Biophysics and uses Mirror Image™ chiropractic adjustments to align the spine and posture into the correct position. This is what makes Optimal Spine and Body different. Dr. Mike Weiner practices in Alpharetta, GA.