How-To Guide to Solve Your Allergies

Allergies plague many people – especially in the greater Atlanta region. The question is why do people have allergies when other people do not? Allergies are your body’s response to what is seen as a foreign substance. Your body sees this and reacts in different ways. Some people wheeze, tear up, get congested, get sinus infections, and worse off depend on an epi pen and/or antihistamine drugs to save their life. What if there was a way to get rid of your allergies for good? Below are outlines of how Dr. Mike Weiner helps people who suffer from allergies.

  • Only drink water

Most drinks today have sugar or sugar additives. These can cause inflammation in the body. Inflammation decreases the immune system by weighing on your body. Imagine you have a police force of 10 people in a certain area. If there is no crime, the policemen are not busy and can be on patrol. The more crime, the more demand for the police officers. If the crime reaches too high of a number, the police officers will be overwhelmed and eventually crime will be rampant in the town. Inflammation is crime and the police officers are your immune cells. Decrease inflammation by decreasing sugar and let your body’s defense do the rest.

  • Cut out proinflammatory foods

Proinflammatory foods contain Omega-6. This is found in the skin of meats and vegetable oils. Cook with extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil and remove the skin of meats. Cutting high sugar foods like bread, muffins, bars to snack on, and anything else that has excess sugar in it have the same positive effect. On top of that, supplement with omega-3 fats like wild caught salmon, green leafy vegetables, and whole food vegetables.

  • 8 hours of quality sleep

Sleep at the same time every night, eliminate screen time late at night, and set a scheduled sleep time. This will increase the quality of sleep, allow proper rest of your body, and will allow your body to repair, recharge, and boost the immune system.

  • Have a normal curve alignment in your neck

The neck from the side should have a curve in it. The absence of a curve will put tension on the spinal cord and nerves. The nerves in your body control the immune system response. When the curve is restored through advanced, chiropractic techniques such as Chiropractic Biophysics, then the immune system can boost to defend against foreign substances – causing allergies.

Dr. Mike Weiner of Optimal Spine and Body practices this every day himself. He has no allergies himself and when his patients follow these easy steps, they find that allergies become a thing of the past. Patients at Optimal Spine and Body often find they throw away their medication because they do not depend on them anymore.

Dr. Mike Weiner is the chiropractor of Optimal Spine and Body, located near downtown Alpharetta, GA. He practices the most researched and advanced chiropractic technique called Chiropractic Biophysics. Using this technique, he can correct the spine into its proper alignment. This allows proper tension on the spinal cord, which allows the nerves to work properly. Since the nerves go to every cell, tissue, and organ in the body, the immune system improves. He finds that people that have altered alignment of their neck and have allergies eliminate the need for their medication when the alignment is restored.

If you want to see if your alignment of your spine is related to your allergies, call 770 274 4840 or email at to set up a free consultation. It’s never too late to live optimally.