3 Ways to Improve Lumbar Alignment to Help with Sciatica and Herniated Discs

When there is pain that shoots down the gluteal region, thigh, leg and possibly feet and toes, this is commonly thought to be sciatica. What this may actually be is called radiculopathy due to a herniated disc. When faced with pain down the legs, sciatica, or herniated disc, the question is what is the best solution to fix this problem.

Herniated discs are caused by abnormal wear and tear on the disc. This can cause sciatica, radiculopathy, and low back pain. This can be caused by abnormal spinal alignment and posture. In order to correct spinal alignment, I will outline 3 ways to change spinal alignment that I do in my office.

  • 3 point bending traction of the lumbar spine

What exactly does this mean? There is supposed to be an elliptical cure in the lumbar spine with more curve on the bottom of the spine and less in the upper part of the low back - called the lumbar spine. Through X-ray analysis, this can be measured. A decrease of the lumbar cure and backwards shift (sway back) posture will cause more pressure on the low back (lumbar) discs. When there is more pressure on the discs, then this can cause a herniated disc, sciatica, and radiculopathy - which is low back pain and pain down the legs and feet.

In order to correct low back spinal alignment, there needs to be a force applied to the spine at the right angle to get curve in the low back (lumbar spine). This is called 3 point bending traction and this is what Dr. Mike Weiner at Optimal Spine and Body, a chiropractic office in Alpharetta, GA does to help patients with sciatica, herniated discs, radiculopathy, and chronic low back pain. Dr. Mike Weiner practices Chiropractic Biophysics, an evidenced based approach to correct spinal alignment and posture to improve health.

You can email admin@optimalspineandbody.com or call 770 274 4840 to request a free consultation to see if Dr. Mike Weiner can help you with sciatica, herniated discs, chronic low back pain, and radiculopathy.

2. Lumbar extension exercises

When there is a decrease in the lumbar curve causing sciatica, herniated discs, radiculopathy, or low back pain, then certain exercises can help with improving spinal alignment. Lumbar extension exercises are used to extend the lumbar spine into the proper position, take pressure off the discs, and improve sciatica symptoms. At home, you can get a foam roller, keep your pelvis on the floor, and extend over the foam roller over different parts of your spine to accomplish this. While sitting at work, you can put a towel or pillow behind your low back and squeeze your shoulder blades together to extend your low back and improve symptoms.

3. Specific adjustments to improve joint mobility and improve the nervous system

This is the only one you cannot try to do yourself. You will need to go to a chiropractor that specializes in adjusting the spine through instruments such as an activator, drop table, or by hand. Specific adjustments to the spine improve joint mobility, decrease symptoms of sciatica, herniated discs, radiculopathy, and low back pain, and most importantly improve the nervous system. The nerves come out of the spinal cord out to every cell, tissue, and organ in the body. An adjustment improves the nerve function by improving the biomechanics of the spine, which is tied to how nerves function. This will decrease symptoms and even improve other areas of your health. There are specific adjustments for the posture, called mirror image adjustments - that are specific to the Chiropractic Biophysics technique that Dr. Mike Weiner practices. This is an adjustment that has been shown to improve abnormal posture.

Dr. Mike Weiner is a chiropractor in Alpharetta, GA that specializes in Chiropractic Biophysics. This is an evidenced based chiropractic technique that focuses on correcting abnormal spinal alignment and posture. This has been shown to help patients with sciatica, herniated discs, radiculopathy, and low back pain find a permanent solution to achieve optimal health for a lifetime.

Dr. Mike Weiner had a herniated disc when he was 10 years old. He has received chiropractic care his whole life because his father is a chiropractor. It is because of chiropractic that he was able to be active, not take medication, and be a 3 sport athlete in high school and still enjoy playing sports today.

Dr. Mike Weiner has a decreased lumbar curve and reversed at some points. Chiropractic Biophysics has helped him never have to worry about experiencing sciatica, radiculopathy, or low back pain that he struggled with his whole life. This is what motivates him to get every person as healthy as possible.

Dr. Mike Weiner can be reached at admin@optimalspineandbody.com or his office phone at 770 274 4840. If you want to see what he can do to get you the best health possible, feel free to reach out and he is always there to help people - no matter where they live.