Requesting a Transcript & Understanding Transfer Credits

RVHS Transcript Request

Complete the Google Form below to request your HS transcript. 

Please use the following documents to help evaluate if college credits taken through Cardinal U will transfer to the college/university of your choice and how to send an official transcript for the college/university to evaluate.

Cardinal U Course Transfer Information

Cardinal U Transfer Information

Use the following information when connecting with college/university admission representatives to see if or how your Cardinal U classes will transfer.

What is Tranferology? 

Transferoloy is an online tool for studnets to check to see if the college credit earned at RVHS transfer to the future college they are planning to attend. 

Click HERE to watch a short video explaining how to use the site. 

College Transcript Info Sheet

Requesting College Transcripts

Use the following document to learn how to download unofficial transcripts and how to request official college transcripts be sent to another college/university.