Webmatch Network


Online heatmap & matchmaking platform fostering cross-silo mentality, action & leadership within social change systems

Is something wrong with the way things work, almost as if it's a gap, that no one seems to see? This is called an impact gap! Have you been wanting to do something about, and just didn't know where to start?

Chances are, the impact gap you're seeing has been noticed by someone else who's already started working on it, but doesn't know that you want to fix it too!

Our suggestion? Do some online digging, get to know the social system the impact gap is in, and find out if there's anyone currently working on it.

There is someone working on it? Great! Get to know them and start working together to fill the impact gap.

There isn't? Also great! Start with the 6 step process we suggest to build your own social entrepreneurial enterprise!

But remember! While research is your friend and you have the entire world at your fingertips, failure is your greatest teacher and nothing, absolutely nothing can replace real, hands on experience.

So get yourself out there!

Creating Cross Silo Action & Leadership within Social Change Systems:

Online Heatmap & Matchmaking Platform

Customizable Information:

Platform Features:

Our platform will incorporate your information into the heatmap for the social change system you work in and will match you with other organizations and individuals who's mission, needs, and resources compliment your own.

Dynamic Pricing:

Based off what you're able to pay at the time, rather than current market conditions

Available to programs, organizations, gov. entities, individuals, etc. working in a social change system to share events, programs, new initiatives, etc.

Above you can view the first draft of the Warren Wilson College Community Engagement systems map. We’ll have more updates on this project coming soon! 🕸