"The Green New Deal will be the most ambitious and transformative national project taken on since Franklin Roosevelt’s original New Deal and World War II economic mobilizations.

The Green New Deal includes investments not only in communities and public infrastructure but also in private industry to enable a sweeping transformation of our entire economy — with the public receiving appropriate ownership stakes and returns on its investments.

The plan calls and enables our whole society to participate in a single great national aim: the rapid transition to a forward-looking society of broad opportunity, equal justice, productive prosperity, and environmental sustainability."


The Green New Deal has five main goals:

1 | Achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions through a fair and just transition for all communities and workers.

2 | Create millions of good, high wage jobs; and ensure prosperity and economic security for all people of the United States.

3 | Invest in the infrastructure and industry of the United States to sustainably meet the challenges of the 21st century.

4 | Secure clean air and water, climate and community resilience, healthy food, access to nature, and a sustainable environment for all.

5 | Promote justice and equity by stopping current, preventing future, and repairing historic oppression of frontline and vulnerable communities.

A national mobilization of the size and scale of the Green New Deal presents an unprecedented opportunity to not only combat the climate crisis, but also to eliminate poverty in the U.S. and to make wealth, prosperity, and security available to every person who participates in the transition.

Thus, the goals of the Green New Deal represent both what is needed to effectively address climate change and what is needed to transform our current economy to one that is just, prosperous, and sustainable for all Americans.


The Green New Deal brings together into one coherent whole a multitude of interlocking, complementary, and critically necessary projects, including, among others:


The Green New Deal will improve on the New Deal and the Second World War economic mobilizations. These mobilizations, though they brought broad progress and improvements to American life, were also marred by compromises made with conservative politicians to obtain Congressional cooperation. Injustice cannot be the price we pay for a green economy. The Green New Deal projects must be designed from the start to ensure justice and equity for all.

The Green New Deal is Possible and Practical. As a country of 325 million, with the world’s largest and most advanced industrial economy, the United States has every necessary tool at its disposal to achieve the goals of the Green New Deal. For too many decades, fear and complacency have kept our leaders from fulfilling the promise of America to its people. The result is malaise and stagnation, with wealth concentrating ever more densely at the top, poverty overwhelming the bottom, and insecurity menacing the middle. Meanwhile, climate change threatens humanity and most forms of life with extinction. All we’ve awaited throughout this decline is good faith, clear vision, and passionate leadership.