Engage. Educate. Employ.

Welcome to Red Ridge, NC!

Join us for the SANC 2024 season, with the next event, the NC Bioblitz!

What is Red Ridge?

We are a start-up Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) founded in 2016 in Saxapahaw, NC that values creativity, transparency, local networking, open mindedness, and sustainable action. 

The main Strategic Business Units (SBUs) of our organization are made of RRNCPrograms and RRNCMicrobusinesses that focus on engagement, education, and employment in our community to create strategic impact and lasting change. 

RRNC programs and microbusinesses both support and are in turn supported by our network of RRNCPartners, who work in unison with RRNC to further our common causes and ultimately create a more just, equitable, and sustainable world.


glocal (global + local)

The individual programs and microbusinesses function as independent SBUs within our overarching organization, thus, they have the unique ability to draw upon a strong local reputation developed over 25+ years of community organizing, and a broad base of expertise, support, and resources. As each new SBU is launched, it is built upon pre-existing deep community connections, relationships, and existing business expertise, with the ability to function in a highly economical environment as they share basic resources. 

This means each of our SBUs can “hit the ground running,” while minimizing costs and potential risks as new opportunities are explored by dipping a toe in the water. This unique option to try out new SBUs, prior to full launch, means that our resources are not committed or squandered prior to exploring proof of concept. In addition, our documented savvy with gorilla marketing has led the organization to create SBUs that have proven high value to the community, incorporating only a bit of elbow grease with little to no financial commitment.

Join us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for updates, take a look through our YouTube channel for a quick peek into life at the RRNCCampus, check our LinkedIn for job listings, and use our GivePulse Portal to find volunteer opportunities both on and off campus!