RÉCIT Vocational Training

English School Boards

RÉCIT VT is the anglophone Vocational Training regional branch of a Quebec wide network focused on the development of student skills through the integration of technologies in education. It is mainly through the training, support and guidance of teaching staff that RÉCIT (Network, Education, Collaboration, Innovation, Technology) fulfils its mandate, while developing a culture of networking and sharing.

As we close another school year, RÉCIT VT extends our warmest wishes for a wonderful summer filled with relaxation, fun, and rejuvenation. To our dedicated colleagues working through the season, we offer our heartfelt gratitude for your continued commitment. Here's to a joyful summer for all!

Visit this page to learn More about the RÉCIT VT TEAM and what we do.

The Voc Talk Café is a place where you are invited to chat  live about teaching a trade in today’s world. The meetings want to be a safe space to get information and discuss issues, concerns and successes in the vocational training community.

Back on September 9, 2024

This page provides more information about the project.

To join
On the day and time of the meeting, visit the Après-cours site and click the big yellow button to be admitted in the virtual room. 

What's new on the site?

Approximately 160 vocational instructors, professionals,  and administrators from across the province gathered to network, share insights, and, in keeping with the conference theme, "discover" innovative teaching approaches to prepare students for in-demand careers. Read more.

Lucie Tremblay, the provincial orthopédagogue for anglophone adult learners in Quebec, had her first student for a day experience at the Pearson School of Culinary Arts in Montreal (PACC-LBPSB). She shares her thoughts and photos with us.

A report from the Conseil de l'innovation du Québec (CIQ) emphasizes the need for Quebec to proactively address the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the province's society, education, and workforce. Read more