
On this page, we present educators with inspiring ideas or vocational training projects that use various technological tools to support teaching and learning, in an impactful or innovative way. 

Please contact us to submit projects to feature here.

Educational Gaming's Future Lies in Software

“Software is eating the world”. This opening quote by Marc Andreessen spearheaded the content and action of the RÉCIT FCC (Formation conjointe et collaborative) workshop titled “Mon école conçoit des jeux vidéos”. Presenters Yoann Gagnon (RÉCIT FP) and Olivier Chevrier (CFP Val d’Or) explained how a team of eleven employees with various tech dossiers and experience have come together to create an in-house developer studio to answer a need for an industry that continues to go unexploited in the educational video game world.

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Gamification in Online Health Education

Spencer Buttle Highligts.mp4

Online transmission of knowledge in the Health sector needs to be precise and accurate. But it can also be fun and engaging, says Spencer Buttle of The Anchor Academic and Vocational Centre (ESSB) in New Carlisle.  He used popular TV games as review activities to increase information retention. This 6 minute video presents the highlights of his experience. The recording of the full conversation (32 min) is also available here.

Links to resources mentioned in the video:
Wheel of Fortune
Who Wants to Be a Millionnaire
CEMEQ online

step-by-step visual learning platform in Capentry

Step by Step Visual Guide Carpentry CVCEC HD.mp4

We were on location at  Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre (New Frontiers School Board)  to visit and film Jovan Mercier and his students in the Carpentry program. Over the span of the two visits, we saw them utilize a step-by-step visual learning platform on iPads to aid them complete two separate projects.

We also had the opportunity to interview Jovan and his students to get their experience and thoughts about how technology is an asset in their program of study.

This six minutes video presents the highlights of their achievements.

Empowering the Learners with Creativity

Can you imagine yourself exploring, testing, and experimenting with robots, 3D printers, or die-cutting machines? What kind of observations would you make about your learning process while doing so? Are we allowing enough creative activities in the learning process of vocational students? Marc Vézina reflects on his open creative space experience in this text.