Workshops & Trainings

Here is a compilation of workshops and training sessions previously developed by the RÉCIT VT for conferences or events in centers. Feel free to reach out if you would want us to replicate these sessions in your community, either as presented or adapted to your needs. We're here to facilitate knowledge sharing and learning experiences that align with your requirements.

All RÉCIT VT resources are made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. You are welcome to make copies and adapt them to your needs, as long as you mention us as the original source, do not use them for commercial purposes, and distribute them under the same license.

Contact details are at the bottom of the page.

Learn more about our mission and objectives on this site's About Us page.

AI-Palooza: An Educator’s Guide to Artificial Intelligence

Dive into the essentials of AI in vocational training with a concise 25-minute presentation by the RÉCIT VT team. Explore AI types, practical applications, and potential impacts, followed by a dynamic 20-minute Q&A session.  Click to read more.

Duration:  45 minutes
Presented at QACVE conference,  May 17th  2024
Format: Interactive workshop
Link to slideshow.

Digital pedagogical flexibility in VT? Yes, it's possible! 

Explore the possibilities and potential when inclusion and accessibility team up. In this workshop, we take an in-depth look to making documents more accessible, including using features like Immersive Reader to make text larger and read out loud. Click to read more.

Duration:  45 minutes
Presented at QACVE conference,  May 17th  2024
Format: Interactive workshop
Link to slideshow.

Transforming Trades: Navigating the Future with Mixed Reality in Vocational Training

By integrating mixed reality into programs and their competencies, students can benefit from a more interactive, immersed and personalized learning experience, while teachers can explore new and effective ways to engage their students and enhance the learning process. In this session, we explore and experience current projects across VT centres across Quebec 

Duration:  45 minutes
Presented at QACVE conference,  May 17th  2024
Format: Interactive workshop
Link to slideshow.

Le RÉCIT FP - Une équipe de spécialistes en pédagonumératie pour vous servir et vous soutenir partout au Québec

The RÉCIT FP and VT group of pedagogical advisors is here for you, managers, professional staff and vocational training teachers in Quebec. In this workshop, we introduce you to the current and future challenges and issues involved in integrating and using technology in your workshops and vocational training classes.

Duration:  60 minutes
Presented at TRÉAQ conference,  May 30th  2024
Format: Presentation
Link to slideshow.

From Passive to Active Learners: Leveraging Technology to Boost Student Engagement

This workshop focuses on practical utilization of a classroom website to foster student engagement in laboratory or shop based vocational programs. Click to read more.

Duration:  45 minutes
Presented at QACVE conference,  May 16th  2024
Format: Interactive workshop
Link to slideshow.

Google Classroom and Digital Interactive Board for New Teachers

After being presented with the various features of the Google Classroom learning management system (LMS), the participants are briefly introduced to the the components of a digital interactive whiteboard. They then get 75 minutes to experiment with the LSM and/or the equipment. Click to read more.

Duration:  3 hours
Presented at LBPSB offices,  April 15 2024
Format: Interactive workshop, hands on  keyboard, interactive white board(s) required
Link to slideshow.

Google Drive Desktop App

The workshop starts with a presentation of the features of the cloud synchronisation application. After learning how to install it on their individual laptops, participants practice various collaboration tasks. Click to read more.

Duration:  1.5 hour
Presented to the administrative staff of Pearson Adult and Career Centre (LBPB), August 21 2023
Format: Presentation  followed by hands on keyboard practice
Link to slideshow.

I am Too [blank] for PD!

In this workshop, participants reflect on their past PD experiences, good and bad, and identify the characteristics of PD practices that fit their needs, interests, and availability. Click to read more.

Duration:  1 hour
ACE Online Forum ,  March 16, 2023
Format: Online (or in person) reflective workshop
Link to slideshow

The RÉCIT Vocational Training - Support, Discoveries and Resources

This webinar presents the various ways that RÉCIT VT supports the integration of technology in teaching and learning a trade. Click to read more.

Duration:  25 minutes plus Q&A
Observatoire de la formation professionnelle, January 24 2023
Format: Online webinar
Link to slideshow
Link to recording

VR, AR and MR in Education

Much has developed and evolved in terms of virtual, augmented and mixed reality during the pandemic. Improved software and new hardware continues to revolutionize industry. Click to read more.

Duration:  3 hours
Western Quebec School Board -  April 2022
Format: In-person workshop
Link to slideshow

The Perks of Teaching Trades with Technology

This presentation includes an introduction to the RÉCIT VT services followed by the exploration of 5 positive aspects of using technology to teach a trade. Click to read more.

Duration:  40 minutes plus Q&A
Laurier Macdonald Career Centre  (EMSB),  December 2022
Format: Online webinar
Link to slideshow

Assessment in Teams - Tools Tips and Tricks

The objective of this workshop is to explore and use new Forms features on the web and integrated in Teams. Topics include branching, collaborating, and Immersive Reader in Forms. Click to read more.

Duration:  60 minutes
ACE 2021
Format: Online webinar
Link to slideshow

Bloom’s Taxonomy and Educational ICT Applications

In this session we review, discuss and apply Bloom's planning verbs and apply them to information and communication technologies (ICT) applications including Miro, Wooclap, H5P (Lumi) and others. Click to read more.

Duration:  60 minutes
ACE 2021
Format: Online webinar
Link to slideshow

Introduction to VR

The OG workshop that began it all! RÉCIT VT was invited to CDC Pont-Viau for a follow-up visit and VR session that introduced centre staff to virtual reality's potential at the start of the school year. Click to read more.

Duration:  60 minutes
CDC Pot-Viau, March 2019
Format: In-person workshop
Link to slideshow

HTC Vive and Oculus VR Technology: An introduction to its classroom use and potential

The goal of this presentation is to demystify and explain virtual reality (VR) in Layman's terms. Also highlighted are VR's pedagogical uses and VT and AGE projects realized due to its potential. Click to read more.

Duration:  60 minutes
QPAT 2019
Format: In-person workshop
Link to slideshow

SMART Learning Suite Online

Presented at Riverside School Board's Tech Cohort PD session, this workshop explains the potential and ease of use of Smart's move to online for a web based version of it's Notebook software. Click to read more.

Duration:  60 minutes
Riverside School Board - October 2019
Format: In-person workshop
Link to slideshow

Marketing Your$elf Online

RÉCIT-VT was invited to present how to markets one's self online for Starting a Business students at Access (RSB). Topics include Google Sites, Twitter and LinkedIn. Click to read more.

Duration:  45 minutes
Access  (RSB), November 2018
Format: In-person workshop
Link to slideshow

Cyber Security and Online Privacy

This presentation covers how to understand cyber threats and best practices to safeguard against them. The importance of online privacy and protecting personal information is also explored . Click to read more.

Duration:  60 minutes
Nova Career Centre (NFSB), December 2018
Format: In-person workshop
Link to slideshow

Office 365: Introduction for administrative staff

In this presentation we explore Office 365 apps with the aim to streamline and facilitate daily office tasks. We dive into OneDrive and Outlook and also touch upon SharePoint. Click to read more.

Duration:  90 minutes
Shadd (EMSB), November 2017
Format: In-person workshop
Link to slideshow

Planning and Executing Lessons the SMART Way

The Smart Board has evolved over the years, in both hardware and software. We explore both in this version and brought up to speed with its value in creating and delivering pedagogical content. Click to read more.

Duration:  60 minutes
CCI 2017
Format: In-person workshop
Link to slideshow

POV Recording Glasses - Creating Videos for Student Learning

RÉCIT VT and Tami Belhadj, ped consultant at Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board, teamed up to put together a workshop to explain point of video recording and editing, as well as the hardware and software that runs the show . Click to read more.

Duration:  60 minutes
CVCEC, Ormstown - November 2017
Format: In-person workshop
Link to slideshow