Ms. Hadden

Dear Students:

Please take this time to access School Tool and catch up on any work that has not been completed/started or projects that need to be done for your class(es). The quarter ends April 3rd. All work needs to be completed by then and this will be the perfect time to catch up on your work. Use your time wisely. You have plenty of time to get your work done. If you need help you can email me at and I will get back to you via email help you. I will be checking my email daily. Also, I will be sending an email in regards to a program called IXL. It will count as part of your work for Resource Room. Please look for the email, log in and complete the diagnostic section. 10-15 minutes a day. Thank you!

Please check the work from home site that is posted on the RCS website. There you will find work for individual classes. RCS Work from Home Check your Google Classrooms as well.

Please stay healthy and reach out if you have any questions!


Ms. Hadden