Samsung Displays

Samsung Displays

We have 65" Samsung Pro Displays and some Flip 2 Pro Displays.

Experience a new era of teaching with Samsung Flip Pro Displays. These state-of-the-art displays are designed to assist teachers in creating immersive and interactive learning environments. With stunning 4K resolution and vibrant colours, these displays bring educational content to life, captivating students' attention and enhancing comprehension. 

The responsive touch interface allows teachers to write, draw, and annotate directly on the screen, encouraging active participation and collaboration. Seamlessly integrate multimedia elements, such as images and videos, to create dynamic lessons tailored to students' needs. With wireless connectivity, teachers can effortlessly share content from their devices, providing a seamless teaching experience. 

Samsung Flip Pro Displays empower teachers to break free from traditional teaching methods, revolutionising the way concepts are conveyed and absorbed. By leveraging these innovative displays, teachers can inspire curiosity, facilitate engagement, and foster a love for learning in their students. 

Managing Rolls

Exporting Rolls

All Samsung displays are connected via wifi and set up to send emails.

Samsung Showcase of Display

Pen and brush mode