Additional Homework

Phonics vocab:

digraph- 2 letters that make 1 sound e.g. 'ay'

trigraph- 3 letters that make 1 sound e.g. 'ear'

Reading vocab:

Segment- break a word down into its sounds e.g. 'b-r-ea-d' has 4 sounds.

Blend- blend all the sounds together and just say the word e.g. 'bread'.

Whisper blend- same as above (segment then blend) but whispered to encourage fluency.

Blend in your head- children know these sounds and need to fluently read them now without segmenting.

Phonics sound mat

These are the sounds children learn at school. Under each section, it tells you the main grapheme (written sound) for each phoneme (sound). Underneath, it also tells you the alternative sounds (the other graphemes that also make that sound).  

Please remind your children to think about alternative sounds when reading or writing.

In this game, children can practice their number bonds to 10 and 20 times tables for 2, 5 and 10 and doubling and halving facts.

Common Exception Words

Common exception words

These are words that children need to be able to read and write by the end of Year 2.

Extra Maths
SPAG 8.6.20
SPAG Autumn 2