Sierra College

Undergraduate Freshman Application 

and Registration Process

The following information is specific to Sierra College, but other local community colleges also have a wealth of opportunities and programs. Each community college may offer different programs, so if there is a specific program you are looking for, check other area community colleges as well. No testing is needed for Sierra College. 

*Mrs. Harris is the Sierra College Transition Counselor. Plan on attending all Sierra College workshops if you think there is even a remote chance you may be attending Sierra College. 

Sierra College Undergraduate Registration Process:

Please note: this is the process for incoming college freshman applicants.  If you are a high school student interested in taking college classes while in high school, please see the Academic Enrichment site.  


We offer Sierra College application workshops just for WSCA students in January and February of each year.  

You will see a link to this under Next Steps in your MySierra or go to the Sierra College Counseling Website and click New Students: Login to CAP.  

While you know Mrs. Harris is currently your WSCA counselor, did you know she is ALSO your Sierra College counselor until you graduate from WSCA?  This is because we are a Sierra College Promise School.  Working with Mrs. Harris as a Sierra College Promise Student will give you perks such as priority class registration!

a.  If you have a 504 or IEP, you can go straight to DSPS for this step.  DSPS will know what kinds of accommodations you may have and be able to connect you with additional services, priority reg, etc.

b.  Those without a 504 or IEP, complete this questionnaire for Mrs. Harris.  This will give her the information she needs to start working with you on your course plan.

c.  Check to see if there are any support programs you are interested in at Sierra (ex/ programs for former foster youth, low-income support, LGBTQ, first-generation college students, undocumented students, etc).

d.  Then schedule a meeting with Mrs. Harris to plan your freshman year courses (SEP).  You must choose a meeting that says Sierra College SEP Meeting.  It will show as 45 minute appointments.

If you decide to go to Sierra, make sure you declare this in your Naviance: Colleges list.  You will need to do this so that your final transcripts are sent to Sierra.



Clarifying Common Eligibility FAQs

Why are 15 units recommended if the full-time requirement is 12 units?

Lots of reasons!

What happens if I am allowed to enroll in more than the allowed 18 units per semester?

If you meet all other eligibility requirements, your tuition will be covered.

What if I don’t qualify for FAFSA or the CA Dream Act?

That’s ok! There is no income requirement or restrictions for Two Years Free. We simply need you to complete these applications so we can verify eligibility for any other financial aid first.

What if I don't want to do the FAFSA or CA Dream Act application?

You would not qualify to get Two Years Free.

How long can I receive Two Years Free?

Two Years Free is specific to summer > fall > spring for up to two (consecutive) years.  

Since this waiver timeline starts in summer, does that mean I have to take summer classes? 

No, you don’t have to take summer classes. If you do, you need to be in 12+ units to get your tuition waived. This is not common – be sure to speak with an academic counselor if this is something you want to pursue. If you take less than 12 units, you would pay the cost of tuition for summer. This would not affect your eligibility for future terms.

What if I am eligible for Two Years Free, but take less than 12 units in the fall? Am I still eligible for spring?

Yes. You would need to pay for fall units yourself. If you are in 12+ units in spring, you will receive this tuition waiver. If this is your first year, you must enroll in 12+ units in at least one term in order to be eligible for the second year free.

What if I don’t start classes until the spring? 

Your spring term would count as your first full year. 

If I take a semester off or enroll in less than 12 units, can that extend my two years to a future term?  

No. Your Two Years Free time clock starts as soon as you enroll in college units and you have up to two years to receive this tuition waiver.  

Year 1 = summer > fall > spring or fall > spring or spring only

Year 2 = summer > fall > spring

What if I received the California College Promise Grant (CCPG) my first year but I am not eligible for it my second year?

You will receive a second year free under AB2 funds. 

If I go to a Sierra Promise partner high school, do I have to sign up as a Sierra Promise Scholar to get my Two Years Free? 

No, but we recommend it.  Being a Sierra Promise Scholar gives you priority registration for your first term and gives you access to additional support and resources. Learn more about Sierra Promise.