
Attendance information for your child can be found in your Genesis Access Portal. The Attendance module has three tabs - Daily Attendance, Class Attendance, and Notify Attendance Office. Note: the Notify Attendance Office allows you to report your child's absence through the portal. If this is an option for your child's school, the Notify Attendance Office tab will appear.

The Daily Attendance screen displays a calendar for each month and daily dates are color coded for each day during the school year. See the Legend for corresponding color codes. The Totals section shows the year-to-date summary of absences and tardies.

The Class Attendance screen displays your student's class attendance summary for each of their courses. The current month will display by default; use the drop-down menu to choose a different month. The bottom of the page will show a summary absences and tardies for all courses by Marking Period and Year-to-Date for each course.

The Notify Attendance screen allows you to report an absence to your child's school. You can reach the Notify Attendance screen from the Attendance module or through a link that appears on the Student Data / Summary Screen as shown in the red box below.

On the Notify Attendance screen, a parent can enter the date(s) of absences, check off the name(s) of the student(s) for which the absence is being reported and include a brief note to the school office. When the "Submit to Office" button is clicked, the absence and note is automatically submitted to the school. You may change or delete the absence in the portal up until the time that the school has processed it.