Term 3

Term 4

Term 3, Week 4

WALT: Working co-operatively with others in small groups

% decimals and fractions (KT)

Go here for this slideshow

Time for decimals

Go here for copy of this presentation



  1. Check Group Rotations on board

  2. Work with Teacher when called

  3. Complete independent work
    - Basic Facts
    - Maths Whizz
    - DLO

  4. Share completed slideshow on your blog. Use Title,
    Task Description and appropriate Labels.

  5. Check out challenge below

Term 3, Week 3

WALT: Working co-operatively with others in small groups

In Training - T3, 2020

Go here for copy of this presentation



  1. Check Group Rotations on board

  2. Work with Teacher when called

  3. Complete independent work
    - Basic Facts
    - Maths Whizz
    - DLO

  4. Share completed slideshow on your blog. Use Title,
    Task Description and appropriate Labels.

  5. Check out challenge below

Term 3, Week 1 & 2

WALT: Understand Decimals


T3WK1Introduction to DEC!MALS


Warm Up Game - 21 - 1 round

1. Complete Xtramaths 2 times.

2. Complete your MATHS FAST FACTS in your maths books. Look on the Whiteboard for Fast Facts.

2a. Here is some other FAST FACTS about decimals

3. Work through slide deck! Use your maths book to show you're working and if needed.

4. Check you have completed ALL slides.

5. Post your completed work to your blog with an explanation of what you have done in maths class this week.

6. Turn your work in to the Turn In Sheet.