Term 3

Term 4

Week 7 - 8

WALT: building decimals using materials

Wk7Money and Decimals


1. Complete Xtra Maths X2 everyday.

2. Make a copy and complete the "Learning task".

3. Be sure to complete 15 minutes of MathsWhizz EVERYDAY!

Once you have finished every slide, post your completed maths to your blog with a task description and labels.

Week 5

WALT: understand the elements of probability

Probability - What's in the Bag? P Lavakula


1. Complete Xtra Maths X2 everyday.

2. Make a copy and complete the What's in the bag? task.

3. Be sure to complete 15 minutes of MathsWhizz EVERYDAY!

4. Algebra Maths Test: Just to get a quick idea where you are with Algebra.

5. Fast Finishers: e-ako Maths

Once you have finished every slide, post your completed maths to your blog with a task description and labels.

Week 4

WALT: solve algebraic equations.


Algebra T4W2
1Wk4Adorable Algebra 2


1. Complete Xtra Maths X2 everyday.

2. Make a copy and complete the Solving Algebraic Equations task.

3. Be sure to complete 15 minutes of MathsWhizz EVERYDAY!

4. Fast Finishers: e-ako Maths

Once you have finished every slide, post your completed maths to your blog with a task description and labels.

Early Finishes

  1. Complete this slide deck

  2. Once you have finished, Check your work with a buddy.

  3. Post your completed work to your blog.

Term 4

Week 2 - 3

WALT: identify a rule for a pattern.


Amazing Algebra


1. Complete Xtra Maths X2 everyday.

2. Make a copy and complete the Learning task.

3. Be sure to complete 15 minutes of MathsWhizz EVERYDAY!

4. Amazing Algebra - What do we know?

5. Fast Finishers: e-ako Maths

Once you have finished every slide, post your completed maths to your blog with a task description and labels.

Term 4, Week 1

WALT: Interpret the information presented within graphs




1. Complete Xtra Maths X2 everyday.

2. Make a copy and complete the Line Graph task.

3. Work through all slides, use scrap paper for working out of problems.

4. Be sure to complete 15 minutes of MathsWhizz EVERYDAY!

Once you have finished every slide, post your completed maths to your blog with a task description and labels.


  1. Practise Timetables Xtramaths PINS

  2. Place Value Equations

  3. Decimal Equations