Term 2 Week 11-12 Monday 29th June - 3rd July 2020

Figurative Language
Fractions, Decimals and Percentages


Click on this image to find your site for this week's reading!

Have fun learning about protest in NZ Aotearoa.


Please read through this slide deck to learn about Language Features.

Try to complete tasks

Term 2 Week 10 Monday 15th - 19th June 2020

Language Features


Click on this image to find your site for this week's reading!

Have fun learning about protest in NZ Aotearoa.


Please read through this slide deck to learn about Language Features.

Try to complete tasks


1. Please read through the slideshow and check in with teacher about anything you are uncertain of.

3. Pace yourself, this learning task is designed to be completed over 3 days.

4. Post completed learning task along with a description on your blog. Don't forget to update our turn in sheet

Term 2 Week 10 Monday 15th - 19th June 2020

Samoan Independence


1. Please read and watch the selected texts that are linked throughout the weeks slidedeck.

3. Pace yourself, this learning task is designed to be completed over 3- 4 days.

4. Post completed learning task along with a description on your blog. Don't forget to update our turn in sheet.

Extra: Check out the Tamaki College library after lunch time for 20 minutes

Narrative writing practice
Ahua relationship graphs 16
Which Graph?

diff types of graphs.pptx


1. Please read through the slideshow that leads us through understanding what 3D shapes are. Check that you understand it's contents. You can work with a partner to complete this.

3. Pace yourself, this learning task is designed to be completed over 3 days.

4. Post completed learning task along with a description on your blog. Don't forget to update our turn in sheet

Graph Activity.doc

Term 2 Week 8 Tuesday 2nd - 5th June 2020

Samoan Independence


1. Please read and watch the selected texts that are linked throughout the weeks slidedeck.

3. Pace yourself, this learning task is designed to be completed over 3- 4 days.

4. Post completed learning task along with a description on your blog. Don't forget to update our turn in sheet.

Extra: Check out the Tamaki College library after lunch time for 20 minutes

Narrative writing Review
Ahua relationship graphs 16
Which Graph?


1. Please read through the slideshow that leads us through understanding what 3D shapes are. Check that you understand it's contents. You can work with a partner to complete this.

3. Pace yourself, this learning task is designed to be completed over 3 days.

4. Post completed learning task along with a description on your blog. Don't forget to update our turn in sheet

Term 2 Week 7 Monday 25th - 29th May 2020

NZ students returning from Lockdown click here to read this article

Week 7 Reading Level 2


1. Please read the selected text that is linked to the image to the left. Read through 2 - 3 times, take note of words you find new.

3. Pace yourself, this learning task is designed to be completed over 3 days.

4. Post completed learning task along with a description on your blog. Don't forget to update our turn in sheet.

Extra: Check out the Tamaki College library after lunch time for 20 minutes

Narrative writing Review
Maths - Name and know properties of 3D Shapes (Week 5)
Maths T2, Week 4 Identifying Triangles


1. Please read through the slideshow that leads us through understanding what 3D shapes are. Check that you understand it's contents. You can work with a partner to complete this.

3. Pace yourself, this learning task is designed to be completed over 3 days.

4. Post completed learning task along with a description on your blog. Don't forget to update our turn in sheet

Term 2 Week 5 Monday 18th - 22nd May 2020

WODB - 3D Shapes

Mrs Tele'a's MATHS class FIRST click on this link. The lovely Ms Tapuke has shared with us this week some neat maths activities!

SECOND - click on this link.

Maths - 3D Shapes - Week 6, 2020

Maths 11.30am

1. File/make a copy of this week's slideshow

2. Tune in to the MATHS Meet at 11.30am

3. Update the MATHS Turn in Sheet

4. Keep up with Maths Whizz and XtraMath!

5. Practice your timestables using this link!

Term 2 Week 5 Monday 11th - 15th May 2020

Ilaoa Tapuke.mov

Mrs Tele'a's MATHS class click link above. This will take you to Ms Tapuke's meet, she is teacher while Mrs Tele'a is @PESbubble School.

Mrs Tele'a's LITERACY class click link above. This will take you to Mrs Ilaoa's meet, she is your teacher while Mrs Tele'a is @PESbubble School.

Term 2 Week 4 Monday 4th - 8th May 2020

Ilaoa Tapuke.mov

Mrs Tele'a's MATHS class click link above. This will take you to Ms Tapuke's meet, she is teacher while Mrs Tele'a is @PESbubble School.

Mrs Tele'a's LITERACY class click link above. This will take you to Mrs Ilaoa's meet, she is your teacher while Mrs Tele'a is @PESbubble School.

Term 2 Week 3 Monday 27th - 1st May 2020

ANZAC special
]Writing - Distance Learning ANZAC

LITERACY with Mrs Ilaoa (click on literacy button above it will take you to Mrs Ilaoa

1. Meeting at 9.30am

2. Mrs Ilaoa will show you the literacy tasks she has for you as I am at school looking after a bubble of students.

3. Pace yourself, this learning task is designed to be completed over 3 days.

4. Post completed learning task along with a description on your blog. Don't forget to update our turn in sheet.

Extra: Check out the Tamaki College library after lunch time for 20 minutes

Intro to Statistics 1&2

MATHS Monday to Thursday with Ms Tapuke, click on link at top for maths, this will take you to Ms Tapuke's meet at 11.30am.

1. Meeting at 11.30am

2. Ms Tapuke will show you the maths tasks she has for you as I am at school looking after a bubble of students.

3. Practice your basic facts on Maths Whizz

4. Link completed task on blog to Turn in Sheet

CREATE: a fun video of you and any member in your whanau/class saying your chosen timestables!

Check the videos posted here to inspire you!

Distance Literacy Wk2 T2
Writing - Distance Learning

LITERACY Monday to Thursday

1. Meeting at 9.30am

2. Look through the learning task BEFORE we meet. Have any questions you have ready to ask at meeting.

3. Pace yourself, this learning task is designed to be completed over 3 days.

4. Post completed learning task along with a description on your blog. Don't forget to update our turn in sheet.

Extra: Check out the Tamaki College library after lunch time for 20 minutes

Term 2 Week 1 & 2 Wednesday 15th - 17th April 2020

Distance Literacy Wk1 T2

Monday to Thursday

1. Meeting at 9.30am

2. Look through the learning task here BEFORE we meet. Have any questions you have ready to ask at meeting.

3. Pace yourself, this learning task is designed to be completed over 3 days.

4. Post completed learning task along with a description on your blog. Don't forget to update our turn in sheet.

Extra: Check out the Tamaki College library after lunch time for 20 minutes

Intro to Statistics 1&2

Monday to Thursday

1. Meeting at 11.30am

2. File make a copy of the slides, read through slides to guide your learning this week.

2. Tune in to the hangout at when your teacher invites you

3. Practice your skills on Maths Whizz

4. Turn it on on the Turn in Sheet

CREATE: a fun video of you and any member in your whanau/class saying your chosen timestables!

Check the videos posted here to inspire you!


Easter Learning Journey
Easter Learning Journey Week 2

1. Work through this Easter Learning Journey - one day at a time

2. Everyday complete this survey to let your teacher know what you've completed

3. Your teacher will visit your blog and award you points!

4. Continue with your daily reading, maths and fun writing. Share this on your blog too! Every extra post outside the Easter Learning Journey wins you points too!

5. Be kind to your whanau - we can get through this together!

March 23rd -27th March 2020

home class 27-03-20 at 7.49 AM.mov
Jachimo · SlidesCarnival


1. Prepare to have hangout with your whole team at 9.00am.

2. Click on your teachers face for home class after our team meeting

3. Prepare for spelling test, create a new doc with date and 'Spelling test' as name

4. Complete a task set by your home teacher relating to 'Whare tapa whā'

5. Prepare for your literacy and maths google meets

Extra: Check out the Tamaki College library after lunch time for 20 minutes

Part 2 Measurement: Time 24 hour clock
Measurement: Time schedule


1. File make a copy of the slides, read through slides to guide your learning this week.

1a. Follow on activity (Wednesday - Thursday) complete to support your learning

2. Tune in to the hangout at when your teacher invites you

3. Practice your skills on Maths Whizz

4. Turn it on on the Turn in Sheet

CREATE: a fun video of you and any member in your whanau/class saying your chosen timestables!

Check the videos posted here to inspire you!

Monday to Thursday

1. Meeting at 11.30am

2. File make a copy of the slides, read through slides to guide your learning this week.

2. Tune in to the hangout at when your teacher invites you

3. Practice your skills on Maths Whizz

4. Turn it on on the Turn in Sheet

CREATE: a fun video of you and any member in your whanau/class saying your chosen timestables!

Check the videos posted here to inspire you!

Term 2 Week 4 Monday 4th - 8th May 2020

NZ students returning from Lockdown click here to read this article

Week 7 Reading Level 2


1. Please read the selected text that is linked to the image to the left. Read through 2 - 3 times, take note of words you find new.

3. Pace yourself, this learning task is designed to be completed over 3 days.

4. Post completed learning task along with a description on your blog. Don't forget to update our turn in sheet.

Extra: Check out the Tamaki College library after lunch time for 20 minutes

Narrative writing Review

Term 2 Week 5 Monday 18th - 22nd May 2020

Intro to Statistics 1&2