Term 3

Term 4

Week 10

Biosphere 2


This week we are learning about Biosphere 2!

1. Watch the video and discuss your understanding with your class.

2. Make a copy of the slides and record your learning.

3. Create a Google Draw or Slides to show the pros and cons of the Biosphere 2 experiment.

Week 9

The Biosphere


This week we are learning about the biosphere.

1. Watch the video and discuss your understanding with your class.

2. Make a copy of the slides and record your learning.

3. Explore a biome of your choice and share your learning on your blog.

Week 8

Air Pollution


This week we are learning more about the atmosphere. Watch the video and discuss your understanding with your class.

Make a copy of the slides and record your learning. Remember to share this on your blog!

Week 7


This week we are learning about the atmosphere. Watch the video and discuss your understanding with your class.

Make a copy of the slides and record your learning. Remember to share this on your blog!

Week 5/6

The Water Cycle


This week we are learning more about the hydrosphere. We are going to be focussing on the water cycle.

Make a copy of the slides and record your learning about the water cycle.

Week 4

The Hydrosphere


This week we are learning about the Hydrosphere: the water on the earth.

Make a copy of the slides and record your learning about the Hydrosphere.

Week 3

Tectonic Plates


This week we are learning more about the Geosphere; specifically about tectonic plates. Tectonic plates are part of the earths crust and cause volcanoes and earthquakes.

Make a copy of the slides and record your learning about the Geosphere and the structure of the earth.

Week 2

The Geosphere


This week your home class teacher will explain that there are different spheres that make up the earth! We will be focussing on one of these spheres, the Geosphere for the next couple of weeks.

Make a copy of the slides and record your learning about the Geosphere and the structure of the earth.

Extras: Structure of the Earth

Week 1

We are the World W1


This week your home class teacher will introduce our topic for this term "we are the world"

To start off, we are going to be discussing what we already know about earth and how it sustains life.

Make a copy of the slides and record your wonderings from your discussion with your teacher.


RUBRIC: Earth Systems

Create an Animation

Your task is to create an animation which illustrates an earth system. You can choose ONE system to animate :

  • How a volcano erupts

  • The water cycle

  • The causes and effects of pollution

It should include:

  • A background and images that illustrate your topic

  • A clear voice over that explains what is happening

  • Audio effects - e.g. the sound of a volcano erupting

Click on the rubric for more information