Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

How do I keep myself in balance; physically, spiritually, mentally and socially?

Week 1

WALT: consider the different aspects of a person that make them unique



1. File, make a copy and put the slides into your Inquiry folder

2. Work through the slides considering the different aspects of your identity.


Rubric: Whare Tapa Wha - Term 1 2020

Create a Personal Whare Tapa Whā

Your task is to create an animation which illustrates how you view the whare tapa wha in your own life.

It should include:

  • An image of you as the main character.
  • All FOUR elements of the whare tapa whā
    • explaining what each is and
    • how they appear in your own life.

Click on the rubric for more information

Rubric: Visual Mihi - Term 1, 2020

Create a Visual Mihi

It should include:

  • an image of your face
  • four images of things that are important aspects of your identity.

Click on the rubric for more information