ESOL Guide
ELLP. Reading, Writing and Oral Language will be assessed according to the criteria on the ELLP matrix. The exemplars seen in the handbooks will be used as a guide.
ELLP levels for each subject area will be recorded on the cover sheet.
The Associate Principals will be available to provide PD and guidance.
ESOL Assessment
Enrolment Data
Bilingual Assessment ( if needed)
Parent meetings
Consultation with teacher
6 Year Survey
Plus classroom / school wide assessment data.
Identified children are discussed by teachers and specialists and the most appropriate support is provided.
(discuss with Team Leader)
(An average reader may not be an average listener etc)
Choose a 'cohort' student in your class, ( an average student in this area) check your choice of the "cohort" child with colleagues in your team.
Use that child as a benchmark for judging the other children.
If in doubt err on the side of caution.
If you have any questions please ask : The Associate Principals
Oral Language Observation Guide - idea to help
1. R.O.L. If appropriate (children in ESOL groups will have this information in their records) carry out this assessment. (10 minutes)
2. Confidence to speak: with peers,
in a working group,
to the teacher,
to other adults,
in front of the class.
3. Responds to experiences:
answers specific questions
asks meaningful questions
uses appropriate vocabulary
speaks in sentences
expresses needs and wants adequately
can explain a process or event
demonstrates a sense of humour
can use words to solve problems (social and academic)
can discuss an idea or topic in a group setting
4. Listening: listens attentatively
responds ---- empathises with characters in text
can retell main parts/ideas of the spoken word
asks questions
answers specific questions
5, Speech / Language: uses appropriate volume
clear articulation
uses correct plural/singular forms
uses correct tenses
speaks in sentences
6. Hearing: observe closely
check ENROL
7. NESB: check enrolment information about child's background - complete an ESOL profile
Observe children in a variety of settings, i.e. social, working, large and small groups, formal and casual situations.
Use comprehension data from class activities, reading lessons, knowledge gained from classroom lessons,
ability to explain or understand in maths.
Use language structure in written language exercises as another dimension of the spoken word.
Use all the information you have to fill in the Oral Language Matrix (ELLP)