Biological Science

Plant Survey and Specimens Management for Scientific Research

in Biology

Introduction to botanical research, sampling technique, specimens preparation and herbarium management, field survey

Year of Study  2nd year or upper 

Prerequisite  None

Program Period  10-15 days 

NAtural PRoducts

in Microbiology

Chemistry, Biological Assays, Pharmaceutical Products

Year of Study  3rd year or upper

Prerequisite  Background in Biological Science

Program Period  2 weeks

Structure-based Drug design

in Biochemistry

Identification of drug candidates based on knowledge of binding interaction and 3D structures of compounds and its biological targets. What will you learn? 

Year of Study  3rd year or upper of B.Sc. student

Prerequisite  None

Program Period  2-3 weeks

Seafood-borne pathogens

in Microbiology

Year of Study  3rd year or upper 

Prerequisite  Background in Microbiological Techniques and Microbial Genetics

Program Period  6 days