Loburn School
Te Kura Aromauka
In 2019 we were gifted our dual name by the Ngāi Tūāhuriri Education Committee
Loburn School Te Kura Aromauka
Aro - to face, turn towards
Mauka - mountain
Aromauka - mountain face
We are continuing to incorporate our school narrative to connect with our place in a variety of ways. Our house names are the names of our local awa (rivers) that are all significant to us in a variety of ways. Rakahuri, Waimakariri, Makerikeri and Ōkūkū. Our teams are named for the compass points, so important in wayfinding – Tonga, Raki, Uru and Rāwhiti. Our rooms feature the names of the native birds from our region - Takahē, Ruru, Pīwakawaka, Pūkeko, Tūī, Korimako, Kākāpō, Kea, and Kererū – and we all get the opportunity to learn so much about those birds, and their habitat.
Rooms - Native Birds
Takahē, Ruru, Pīwakawaka, Pūkeko, Tūī, Korimako, Kākāpō, Kea, Kererū
Teams - Compass Points
Tonga (South), Raki (North), Uru (West), Rāwhiti (East)
House - Local Awa (Rivers)
Rakahuri, Waimakariri, Makerikeri, Ōkūkū
Respect / Whakaute, Service / Manaakitanga, Participation / Mahi Tahi
Our values are modelled and lived by our students and staff. Our student leaders recognise their peers every assembly by awarding "Values" certificates.