Panopto Installed

You can download and install the Panopto recorder on any Windows PC or Mac.

If you are on a University machine, you will be able to download the Panopto recorder from AppsAnywhere for Windows. This guide is to help you install and use the software on a local machine.

Mac users will have to go to and download the Mac version as unfortunately it is not provided via AppsAnywhere.

This Online Guide uses Windows screenshots to give an overview of how to record using an installed recorder; pdf and video guides for Mac users are available below.

**PLEASE NOTE** - To get a consistent, trouble-free Panopto experience, the machine used must adhere to Panopto's supported hardware found here AND the prerequisite machine requirements found in the guides at the bottom of the page.

Video Guides

Online Guide

  1. Initial Install and Opening Panopto Recorder

On downloading the Recorder from AppsAnywhere , it will open and prompt you to sign in. On clicking this it will take you to a page that has the University logo on it. Under the title "Sign in to Panopto" you will see a dropdown box that offers three routes into Panopto. For most users it will be simplest to accept the default: UoP SSO.

Another way is to visit , log in using your normal University login details, and click Record a new session from the Create dropdown. Recording this way from your video library has some advantages, because you are already signed in.

If you have any problems logging in, or have forgotten your password, please contact IS for assistance (

Once the Recorder is open, you can click on the blue info buttons (located next to Primary Sources, Session Settings, and to the far right of the Resolution toolbar) to get user tours of each of the areas. Alternatively you can read the detailed guides at the bottom of this page.

2. Name Your Recording

Under Session Settings, select the drop-down arrow to select the folder where your recording will be saved.

You can give your recording an appropriate name here under Session Settings. If you don't provide a name, Panopto will automatically assign the date and time of recording as the name.

All of this can be edited and changed post-recording.

If you have any problems finding your recording, please contact

3. Audio and Video Inputs

Audio: Under Primary Sources, select the Audio drop-down menu. Select your preferred, connected microphone. For a successful recording, a primary audio source must be selected.

After selecting your audio source, test your audio volume by talking in a normal voice. As you talk, a few green bars should appear. If the green bars don't appear, or if the red and yellow bars are highlighted, adjust the volume by using the slider located to the right of the bars.

NOTE: If your audio isn't working properly, you will see a banner at the top of the Recorder and a pop-up on the desktop.

Video: To record video of the presenter, select a primary video source from the Video drop-down menu.

Note: select None if you want to record only the presenter's audio.

After you have selected your video and audio inputs, you can choose to capture what is displayed on your screen. To preview your screen before recording, select the checkbox Enable screen capture preview. If you have more than one camera plugged into your computer, you can add an additional video source(s) under Secondary Sources.

PowerPoint: You can include a PowerPoint presentation by selecting Capture PowerPoint.

Note: If the PowerPoint presentation contains any motion on a slide, an embedded video in the slide, or someone annotating over the slide, then screen capture must be selected in order to capture that content. Your slides will not be recorded if presented via cloud or a mirrored/remote machine. Slides must be opened locally (i.e. on the machine with which you are presenting).

4. Record Your Content

You can now begin recording. Press the Record icon. Once your recording has started, the Record icon will change into Stop and Pause. When you are finished recording, select Stop. You will have the option to either upload the recording or delete it and start again.

To have a section of your recording automatically edited out, select Pause. When the recording is paused, Panopto will continue, but the paused section will not appear in the final version.

5. After Recording Has Finished

Once you have stopped recording, you will be taken to the Manage Recordings tab in the Recorder.

Offline Recordings do not have a folder selected in Panopto, so they are stored only on your computer. You can select Upload to Server to select a folder and add the video to your library.

Currently Uploading Recordings will show the video that was just recorded and its upload status.

Uploaded Recordings will show previous recordings and their assigned folder. If you have access to the video in the library, you can open the video or settings using View, Edit, or Share. You can also continue recording to the same session by selecting Resume.

Note: if you need to make space on your computer, you can select Delete Local, as long as you no longer need the recording to be stored on your computer. If you delete a recording that has not yet been uploaded to the server, that recording will be lost.

PDF Guides