Panopto in Browser

Panopto Capture allows users to easily record audio, video, and entire screens or application windows.

Users can access Panopto Capture directly from within their browser. No download is required.

Video Guide

Online Guide

Under the title "Sign in to Panopto" you will see a dropdown box that offers three routes in to Panopto. For most users it will be simplest to accept the default: UoP SSO.

Press the green "Sign in" button. Log in using your normal university login details. The first time you do this you will be asked to consent to federation of accounts. Press "Yes".

If you have any problems with this, or have forgotten your password, please contact IS for assistance (

2. Launch Panopto Capture

Click on the Create Button at the top of video library, and select Panopto Capture.

3. Select your desired audio, camera and screen sources

Do this by clicking on each of the icons and ensuring the source required has a tick displayed. You will also see your audio levels move and you can use this as a basic test.

If a source is not displayed it might be that your computer has not detected the device, rather than an indication of a problem with Panopto itself.

4. Record your video

To begin recording your video, click the red circle button at the bottom centre of Panopto Capture.

A 5 second countdown on screen will appear and then the recording will begin. To stop recording, press the red square button.

Do not close the Panopto Capture browser tab until the upload is complete.

5. Finalise your video and upload

The progress of your video’s upload can be observed in the top left hand corner. On this page you can add a title and description, and you can choose which folder to save it in. The folder structure is syncronised with Moodle, so as well as your own personal Panopto folder, it could equally be a particular Moodle Site you are enrolled on.

You can also share the video directly with users and groups or email addresses.

Pressing the Manage Access button allows you to customise who can view the video, as well as providing the embed options for other websites (Moodle, Google Sites, and so on).

PDF Guides