Week 4 Contract

Where sin increased, grace abounded all the more. Romans 5:20.

Write this scripture into your faith journals and learn it over the week. See if you can memorise it by Friday.

Original, personal and social sin.

Session 1: Go over the slides 1-15 with the teacher as a class. Have a look at the different questions on the jam board and consider whether or not something is sin and why,

Session 2: Slide 16. Social and personal sin, what are some examples of these. Create a copy of the google draw below to complete this task.


Session 3: Slide 17. Complete the two freya models of social and personal sin. Make sure that your answers are in your own words and that you understand what you have written.

types of sin

Session 4: Slide 17. Lesson Checkup! This is printed out for you ready to go! Think about what you have learned this week to complete the True or False statements. Glue this into your faith journal and decorate it to make it look nice.

Everyday work through these tasks. Set a timer to help you keep on track.

Task One: 30 mins

Log in to Khan academy and begin working your way through the assigned unit on geometry. Make sure to read the learning carefully and to watch the clips. This will help you to unpack the learning.

Task Two: 15mins

Work through the AWS Number sheet and glue it into your book. Do your best to complete this by the end of the week. Your number works sheet will help you to extend your number knowledge.

Task Three: 10mins

Spend 10minutes each day using prodigy maths. Use a timer to make sure you don't stay on there for too long.

Writing: Speeches

Keep working on your speech. We will be presenting these at the end of week 5. Make sure to write, edit, read out loud and create cue cards to help you memorise it.

Your speech must be 4-6 minutes long. As well as presenting a copy of your speech will be handed in to Whaea Danni for marking.


Read this text independently. After you have read it create a detailed drawing of the life cycle of a frog in your literacy books.

Make a copy of this google drawing, view the text by clicking the button. You will need headphones. Upload your complete task to seesaw.


Thursday: Write your own paragraph to describe this setting. You need to aim to use descriptive language and write 4-5 sentences.

You need to read this text independently. We will be using a excerpt from this text as a part of shared reading this week with a focus on mood and atmosphere. This means looking at different things in the text that make the reader feel a certain way.

Monday: Read the text together & stick into books. Highlight any words you do not know and find the meaning to these. Write the definition around the outside of the text.

Tuesday: What is a simile? What is a metaphor? What is personification? In groups work on the jam board. Follow the instructions on the first slide. Remember it is a shared doc so be respectful of each others mahi.

Wednesday: What words were used to describe the bunker? Make a list of these and create a cline to show them in order from most interesting to least interesting. You may choose to do this in your book or using this template.

matariki synthesis

Make a copy of this slide deck. View each of the different videos and texts and make notes on what happens in each story. Each of the videos will share a different version of the story of matariki. You will have two sessions to complete this. On the second slide you need to describe which stories are similar and which are different and why.
