Delta Points

How do I earn points?

Chances to Earn More Delta Points...

Student Spotlight: 

Want a chance to earn more Delta points? We are looking for more students to be featured in the student spotlight of our newsletter. All you do is fill out the Google Form attached above with information about you, your nursing journey, and an optional picture of yourself. It is up to you what you want to share and you will get five delta points for doing so. 

Self-Care Corner:

As nursing students, self-care is very important. Therefore, we are looking for students who would like to share their self-care tips on our Instagram page. All you need to do is fill out the Google Form attached above with information about what you do for self-care and a picture of yourself or a related picture. You will get five delta points for your participation.

Keep track of your points!

This QR code is a link to a personal point tracker template so that you can keep track of your points on your own! Here at Delta, our board takes care of tracking your points for you, but mistakes happen! You can use this template below to keep track of your own points, to make sure it matches our records!