3rd Grade Library Class

Topic 1:
W/o: 8/31/20 & 9/7/20

Welcome Back!

Due to Covid and taking extra precautions to keep students safe, I have added classroom jobs. The first class will be spent going over these class jobs, as well as other old and new expectations. If time allows we will read a back to school story together and discuss it.

Book check out and care begins next class.

I CAN follow directions which will help keep myself safe.

I CAN remember seating and volume level expectations from last year while in the library.

I CAN demonstrate procedures learned from last year.

Topic 2:
W/o: 9/14/20 & 9/21/20

Students will come into the library and sit on blue X's which promotes social distancing. After reminding students about classroom jobs and going over who has which job/gets to sit in the comfy chairs, students will find two books. One book should be a 'good fit' book and the other 'for fun'. Students will come back to their spots and read until they're called up to get checked out. Once students are checked out we will go over a worksheet which has statements that are true or false regarding proper books care.
We will then become "Library Ninjas" and go over an engaging and fun Powerpoint slideshow which will reteaches ways to care for the books.
If time allows students will be able to use a code to figure out their own "Library Ninja Name".

I CAN choose a book that's of interest to me.

I CAN properly take care of and check out library books.

Topic 3:
W/O: 9/28 & 10/5

Students will learn how to give an adequate book review on the book Quit Calling Me a Monster. The students will be able to use a 'ranking' rating system then have time to explain their reasoning.
Students will also have time to check out a 'good fit' book and a 'for fun' book and enjoy some quiet reading time.

I CAN give an honest and detailed book review.

I CAN choose a reading book that is at my reading level.

Read the book, complete the book review here:


Topic 4:
W/O: 10/12

Students will come into the library and set their books off to the side so they can be disinfected and quarantined for 72 hours. Next, they will look for new books (one being a good-fit book) and note which classroom jobs they have. They will then sit socially distanced on blue X's on the carpets before the timer sounds. To promote socially distancing students will be called up in small groups to check out their books then continue to read at their assigned table spots. Once everyone is checked out we will discuss who has which jobs. We will discuss key words like: setting, characters, problem, and solution. We will then read the story The Good Egg. After the story we will talk about how our previously mentioned key words are applicable to our story. Next students will complete the attached worksheet. If time allows we will watch The Bad Seed. If you enjoyed these books by Jory John, check out more read-alouds which can be found by clicking on the titles: The Great Eggscape and The Cool Bean.

I CAN follow new library procedures due to Covid-19.

I CAN choose a good fit book at my guided reading level.

I CAN tell identify the problem and solution in The Good Egg.

I CAN tell you what the setting is of books and stories I read.

Topic 5
W/O: 10/26

We will be reading one of my favorite Halloween books: Creepy Pair of Underwear by Aaron Reynolds. Prior to reading the book we will talk about the first book Creepy Carrots. Next I will tell students to think about what they would do differently than what Jasper does. Then I'll ask them what'd they would differently than what the underwear does. We will talk about details we noticed this year that we didn't notice last year.

I CAN tell the difference between my point of view and the author’s point of view.

I CAN explain how the illustrations of a text add to the mood or the story being told.

I CAN describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges.

I CAN describe how words and phrases supply rhythm and meaning in a story. (ghoulish, greenish, glow)

I CAN compare and contrast themes, characters, and plots of two stories by the same author.


Topic 6
Week of 11/9/20

Students will read the book Thank You, Omu! They will make predictions prior to reading the story in regards to what they think this book will be about and what problems may arise. This is a story of giving, love, community and how food can bring us together. We will discuss why sharing is important and if students have ever had to share something they didn't want to. This is a great story to reflect on during the Thanksgiving season.

I CAN make a prediction about a story.
I CAN describe the characters in a story and explain how their actions add to the story’s events.
I CAN explain how the illustrations of a text add to the mood or the story being told.


Topic 7
Week of 11/23

Students will bring back their books and check out new ones. This week third graders will read Plump and Perky Turkey Prior to reading I will show the students the cover of the story and read the summary: When the people of Squawk Valley find themselves without a turkey for their Thanksgiving feast, they plot a way to lure one into town: They'll advertise for a "model" turkey to pose during an arts-and-crafts fair, and plan to gobble the bird when they've finished the artwork. Students will make predictions about what they think will happen, we will read the story, then complete a comprehension activity.

I CAN describe the characters, settings, and major events in the story, using key details


Topic 8
Week of 12/7

Students will bring back their books, check out new ones, and enjoy some quiet reading time. Next we will read the story Bear Stayed Up for Christmas. Prior to reading the story, we will page through the book and discuss if we think this book is fiction or non-fiction and why. We will discuss where the book takes place and when. When we're finished reading the story, we will fill out the bottom book review.


Topic 9
Week of 12/21

This is a short week before winter break and only half the grade has library class. Students will bring back their books, get new ones, enjoy some reading time, and we will read Pig the Elf. After we have a quick discussion we will create this fun ornament.


Topic 10
Week of 1/11/21

This is the students first class back since break. Students will bring back their books, check out new ones, and have some quiet reading time. Next we will read the book The Rabbit Listened. Self-Literacy: Recognizing Our Own Listening Tendencies. One great gift of works of literature is that we learn more about ourselves through the reading of stories. The Rabbit Listened does not hit readers over the head with a moral but rather encourages readers to consider what happened and why rabbit’s methods helped whereas the others didn’t. After reading The Rabbit Listened, I'll help students to recognize their own listening tendencies by creating a class chart showing each animal and their response to Taylor’s situation. Then students will do some self-reflection to consider which animal best represents the way they typically respond when something happens to them or to a friend. I'll use this as an opportunity for students to set listening goals for themselves through writing and drawing that include how they will grow in their listening and why this is important to them. If time allows, we will also complete the below activity.

I CAN recognize my own listening tendency.

I CAN make a listening goal through writing to show how I
can be a good listener.


Topic 11
Week of January 25

Students will bring back their library books, check out new ones, and enjoy some quiet reading time. This week is Kindness Week and to celebrate that we will read the book Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon. After we've discussed the book in detail students will ponder how they, like Molly, can stand tall. Lastly they will write and draw about it.


Topic 12
Week of Feb 8

Students will bring back their books, check out new ones and enjoy some quiet reading time. We will discuss their current planet projects and see if anyone needs more non-fiction books. Next, we will ready a non-fiction book called The Solar System. If time allows, the student will do a fun word find which can be found here.

Topic 13
Week of Feb 22

Students will bring back their books, check out new ones, and enjoy some quiet reading time. Next we will read the story How to be a Lion. We will watch this book on the CleverTouch. Students will be instructed to watch for the fictional and real aspects of the story then fill out the below.

I CAN use strategies to understand unknown words.

I CAN provide a concluding statement.

I CAN explain how the illustrations of a text add to the mood or the story being told.


Week of 4/12/2021

This is students' first week back from spring break. We will read the story What if There Were No Bees? then complete and discuss the book and below activity. Students will also have time to look for new books and enjoy quiet read time.
