Idaho Mastery Education

Mastery-Conference-2020-PiSTEM Celebration.pptx

Pi STEM Mastery Conference Presentation, scroll down to preview.

We are continuing to grow and expand our use of mastery-based grading. At the 4-12 grade we use the Summit Learning universal rubric to grade projects. At the primary level we have used a 4 point scale, but are currently working to develop a universal rubric for the primary levels that functions similarly to the Summit Learning rubric. The biggest challenge in creating a primary-level universal rubric is that their are more foundation skills that occur during this time period so it is important that an understanding of cognitive development and cognitive progressions are taken into account when developing our rubrics. We are currently working to write and research to create this product and should have a completed rubric for all core content areas by the end of the 2021-2022 school year. The work on this project is funding by an Idaho Mastery Education Grant.