CURE Research & Resources

An excellent resource! “CUREnet was established in 2012 to support networking among faculty developing, teaching, and assessing CUREs, to share CURE projects and resources, and to develop new tools and strategies for CURE instruction and assessment.”

This organization provides collaborative undergraduate research opportunities for faculty and students.  

American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges webinar

Enhancing Equity With Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences 

To foster success in STEAM disciplines through interdisciplinary and professional support for students, faculty, staff, and community partners. 

Join us each month as we focus on the topic of interest with an intro blog, expert webinar panel, playlist of related videos, discussion, and resources. 

iCURE Videos

Books & Papers

Editors: Julia Ballenger, Barbara Polnick, and Beverly Irby

Available digitally at the PC Library.

Gita Bangera and Sara E. Brownell

CURES are inclusive, because they provide research experiences to students who may not participate in other undergraduate research experiences, which have become the gateway to graduate school in the sciences. 

Exactly as the name implies, this is a guide to CURES.  It contains example CUREs, the potential impact on faculty and students, and how you can incorporate CURES into your teaching.  This is a great place to start in learning about or planning a CURE.

Hughes.  2015. 

Similar to A Practical Guide to CURES, this is also a great starting point that defines what CUREs are, provides examples, and gives practical advice on implementing CUREs.

A quick start guide to implementing and sustaining CUREs in the physical sciences.

Associations & Journals

Peer-reviewed journal with lab/lecture exercises. 

Undergraduate Student Experiences with Citizen Science

Network of educators, researchers, and project leaders using citizen science to enhance undergraduate education. 

Reports from convocation about course-based research experiences. 

What Research Says About Effective Instruction in Undergraduate Science and Engineering

Peer reviewed publication of ecological educational materials  

Source for tested labs.

Learning Objectives

Learning objectives, with example course modules by Jaclyn Schwalm and Benjamin Martin

Learning objectives, in ecology learning framework, with example framework; written by workshop participant Jennifer Doherty and others. 

Assessment Instruments

This page provides ideas and links to use when designing assessments of the impact of your research course/module on students. The resources listed below are modified in part from Shortlidge and Brownell. 2016. JMBE 17:399-408.

Long list of tested assessment instruments. 

CURE survey of course-based research experiences.

RISC survey for integrated science curricula.

SURE survey, for research experiences which are not course-based.  

Data Processing Resources

Community databases for citizen science.

Free software for statistical computing and graphics.

Data portal for AZDHS

Adheres to JDAP journal policy.

Resources for education, research and collaboration in quantitative biology. 

Pre-register your project, collect data from many resources, and, if desired, make results available under a unique, citable identifier. 

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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1832543.  Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.