Research Plan

The Plan

To increase STEM student recruitment, skill development, retention and degree completion at two-year institutions, and increase transfer to four-year STEM degree or workforce programs, we propose to develop a curriculum model intervention (STEM-CURE) that incorporates faculty professional development, student support systems, and research collaborations between two-year institutions and university, industry, government, and community partners.

Program Research Questions

  1. How do STEM-CUREs lead to improved learning outcomes (Figure 1) and pro-science attitudes among STEM students in non-majors, majors, and workforce development courses at two-year institutions?

  2. How do STEM-CURES that focus on community-based research issues increase recruitment of non- majors students into STEM majors courses and improve retention of STEM majors at two-year HSIs?

  3. How do STEM-CUREs that collaborate with university partners promote increased interest in STEM degrees and improve two-year student transfer rates into STEM degree programs at four-year institutions?

  4. How do STEM-CUREs that collaborate with industry and government partners improve workforce readiness and promote interest in STEM degrees and careers among community college students?

The STEM-CURE program coordinates integration of industry and community-based research experiences into the two-year STEM curriculum, with training and mentoring for community college faculty and students, and innovative cross-sector partnerships with universities, research centers, industry, and government, municipal, and community-based organizations.

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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1832543. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.