Evaluation Plan

The overall question guiding this evaluation is: “Does the STEM-CURE intervention contribute to gains in student achievement? The following questions are used for evaluative data interpretation:

  • To what extent has module design/implementation progressed as planned?

  • How does the project engage faculty and has faculty support (training and/or mentoring) contributed to successful design/implementation of the modules?

  • To what extent has the model promoted standardized teaching of CURE element?

  • To what extent are faculty designing/implementing STEM-CURE methodologies?

  • To what extent have the CUREs increased recruitment, retention, and transfer rates to 4-year institutions?

  • To what extent does STEM-CURE contribute to: (a) attitudes/interest in STEM; (b) participation in STEM courses, majors, undergraduate research; and/or (c) learning outcomes?

  • To what degree have STEM-CURE classes been integrated across the curriculum?

  • What aspects of the STEM-CURE approach contribute most to participant outcomes?

  • To what extent does STEM-CURE increase interest in STEM degrees/programs?

  • To what extent does STEM-CURE develop successful partnerships with: (a) university and government research institutions, and (b) industry and community partner?

  • What factors impede or facilitate progress towards project goals?

  • To what extent have the modules been disseminated to the pedagogical community?

  • What progress has been made toward examining project research questions?

  • What progress has been made toward sustaining implementation of STEM-CURE project activities?

Complete copies of Evaluation Reports can be found here:

To help the grant team continue to improve the program, annual evaluation results are produced and discussed with regard to the four major aspects of the STEM-CURE Program: project implementation, research design, efficacy, and sustainability.

Executive Summary for Client Webpage.pdf

2019-2020 Evaluation External Evaluation Executive Summary

Copy of Phoenix College STEM-CURE Year 1 - Evaluation Report.pdf

2018- 2019 External Evaluation Executive Summary

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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1832543. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.