Global Cultures & Language Certificate

How do these competencies apply to the Global Cultures & Language Certificate?

Seeking Truth:

What are the locally, regionally, and globally focused issues that need to be identified? How can we use a variety of languages and domestic and international sources and media to generate questions and explore these issues? For example, "How do migrant populations adapt to their new places of work and living? What tools do governments have to promote economic development and eradicate extreme poverty? What is an ecosystem and how do different ecosystems around the world work?" What is the role we play in these issues?

Building Empathy:

How do we recognize our own perspective and that of others when approaching issues of local, regional, or global significance? How can we identify the influences on these perspectives and the role it plays in these issues? How can we communicate across differences, bridging cultural, linguistic, economic, and religious divides? Can we explain how cultural interactions influence situations, events, issues, or phenomena, including the development of knowledge? How does differential access to knowledge, technology, and resources affect the quality of life and perspectives?

Let Your Life Speak:

How can you recognize and express how diverse audiences may perceive different meanings from the same information and how does that affect communication? How can you listen to and communicate effectively with diverse people, using appropriate verbal and nonverbal behavior, languages, and strategies? How do you identify and create opportunities for personal or collaborative action to address situations, events, issues, or phenomena in ways that improve conditions? How do you act, personally or collaboratively, in creative and ethical ways to contribute to improvement locally, regionally, or globally and assess the impact of the actions taken? How do I reflect on my capacity to advocate for and contribute to improvement locally, regionally, or globally?

(Queries for the Global Certificate taken and modified from the Global Competence framework developed by Boix Mansilla & Jackson 2011)