Future of Work

Future of Work Series - Special Campus-Wide Sessions

PSU Futures Collaboratory

Spring 2021

Coordinated by Dr. Sally Mudiamu, and Dr. Laura Nissen

Among the most important elements of the future of our shared world - especially for those in higher education - has to do with the future of work. Economic, political, technological, cultural and sector-specific evolution all impact what we think of as work, who benefits and loses from these shifts, how equity and fairness will evolve, and what kind of preparation is most likely to prepare people for an increasingly complex work ecosystem ahead.

The future of work is a pivotal driver of our ongoing mission to support economic mobility for our students. This year, the PSU Futures Collaboratory is offering a 4-part webinar series to bring world-class thinkers to our campus community to share ideas, analysis and foresight regarding what the future of work looks like globally, nationally, regionally and locally. What’s behind the hype and headlines? How can individuals launching their careers as well as institutions of higher learning be more prepared to interact with and co-create the future of work? Education still matters very much - but education alone is only part of navigating the changes that are in play for a successful career in the years to come. We hope that you’ll join us for this important and timely set of conversations - and to add to your own readiness for preparing yourself and your students for the future of work in whatever discipline or profession is your passion!!

See below for archived versions of all sessions!

Webinar Format - Webinars will be on April 22, 29, May 6 and May 13 from 12-1:30 PM

April 22, 2021 - Future of Work: A New Social Compact for Work and Workers

Speaker: Dr. Anmol Chaddha, Research Director, Equitable Futures Lab, Institute for the Future, California Future of Work Commission

Focus of Session: California has been at the center of many of the world’s innovations in science, technology, and business. While the state boasts a strong and vibrant economy by most measures of growth, too many Californians have not fully participated in or enjoyed the benefits of the state’s broader economic success and the extraordinary wealth generated here. Though we anticipate technological change and advancement, the effects of that change are not predetermined or inevitable. The California Future of Work Commission has proposed a bold new Social Compact for work and workers based on an expansive vision of economic equity. This session will include a respondent panel of a PSU Faculty member, Dr. Robert Asaadi and PSU Student, Rhianna Mungin.

April 29, 2021 - Enabled by Tech, Powered by People: The future of work is human

Speaker: Maggie Wooll, Head of Strategic Insights, Better UP

Focus of Session: (Preliminary) Will discuss the evolving nature of work, and the new practices and structures needed to thrive in an environment constantly reshaped by emerging technologies. Maggie will discuss the intersection of individual well-being (physical, emotional, social, financial), continuous learning, and management practices to unlock human potentiaI, as well as creating better work and greater opportunity for all by challenging orthodoxies and helping organizations make the choices that will create a more expansive future. This session will include a respondent panel of a PSU Faculty member Dr. Matt Carlson and PSU Student Alexa Rector.

May 6, 2021 - Equitable Prosperity and the Future of Work in Oregon

Speakers: Todd Nell, Executive Director, Workforce and Talent Development Board; Shari Dunn, CEO, ITBOM Consulting; Mark Mitsui, President, Portland Community College; Christian Kaylor, Oregon State Economist focusing on the future of work in Oregon.

Focus of Session: Panelists will discuss the efforts in Oregon to develop homegrown workforce talent systems. Stakeholders’ concerns around the future of work include true wages, upskilling, mitigation of disparities accelerated by technological development, affordable childcare, and affordable housing. The future of work in Oregon demands more engagement from the private sector. They will talk about the HECC’s strategy around STEM education through 2025. Particular focus will be on discussing how to ensure the recovery from the pandemic is more equitable than the financial crisis of 2008 for working Oregonians. Panelists will reflect on three Oregon task forces on Artificial Intelligence, Equitable Prosperity and Essential Employment for Governor Kate Brown. The session will also provide an overview of economic and workforce projections for the city of Portland from Oregon’s state economist. This session will include a respondent panel of a PSU Faculty member, Dr. Carlos Crespo, PSU Program Manager, Abby Chroman, and PSU Student, Alexa Rector.

May 13, 2021 - Becoming Future-Ready: PSU and the Future of Work

Speakers: Susan Jeffords, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, PSU, Ame Lambert, Vice President for Equity and Inclusion, Laura Nissen, Director, PSU Futures Collaboratory, and Greg Flores, PSU Career Services, and Faculty and Student Panelists (still in process).

Focus of Session: This session will explore how issues discussed in the first three webinars impacts, influences and intersects with PSU’s mission and planning. How are universities themselves calibrating to provide the best possible connections to a successful future for students given the ever-evolving future of work landscape and what do students think about what they most need as they navigate their emerging careers? This session will include a respondent panel of a PSU Faculty member Dr. Jeanne Enders and PSU Student, Kim Valentine.

Want to read up about the future of work in our specially prepared resource list for this series? Check it out here!