
Over the last two years, individuals and team members of the collaboratory have explored a variety of projects.

These include:

  • New models of student engagement, retention and student success.

  • Emerging equity frameworks for the future of higher education.

  • Creation of new academic learning experiences focused on futures studies.

  • Use of space in the future of higher education: Balancing virtual and physical space needs.

  • Faculty views on the future of teaching and learning and deepening our understanding of faculty roles of the future.

  • Student views of the future and deepening our understanding of retention and student success factors of the future.

  • Emerging models of international learning.

  • The future of labor relations.

  • Disability justice through a futures lens.

  • The future of work and its implications for academic programming.

  • Emerging models of workplace organization.

  • Emerging economic models for the future of higher education.

This year we've primarily focused on the following:

  • Look back to look forward project (using a futures framework that suggests how we'll approach current and futures projects looks a lot like the way we've addressed challenge in the past...unless we take bigger risks and stretch our capacity).

  • The future of work - and what it means for higher education.

  • Centering anti-racism and equity in our thinking and visioning.

  • The future of faculty roles in an evolving higher education ecosystem.

  • Causal layered analysis framework to identify structures and metaphors for change.

See overviews of each of these areas in the project "tabs" above.