March 12, 2021

Future of Facial Recognition Technology Banned in Portland, Oregon

Our March 12th guests were Hector Dominguez Aguirre, Judith Mowry, and Kevin Martin from the City of Portland. They shared their work to get Facial Recognition Technology banned in Portland. Since we were going to be discussing the overlap between our Futures Collaboratory efforts and the efforts of the Equity Task Force, members of our ETF joined us for this session as well.

Hector recommended the following readings prior to the session - so please take a look if you like:

Facial recognition FAQ

What does digital justice mean in Portland?

Connecting BIPOC communities to technology . . . On a related note, if you haven’t yet seen the movie “Coded Bias” - this is also a really relevant and super important new film.

More . . .

Several PSU folks asked for a brief mini-paper we might use to help guide thinking on futures frameworks beyond the Collaboratory -- during this turbulent time at large in HE and right here on our campus. We had a small committee that advised and Laura wrote this short piece, which is a motivational introduction to the necessity of foresights thinking in HE praxis.

Coursera’s IPO filing shows growing revenue and loss during a pandemic.

Georgetown University’s -“Big Rethink” project - intended to be a reflection on higher ed’s two converging developments: The covid-19 pandemic and the national mobilization against racism. They have some incredible speakers and resources online to stretch thinking and possibilities about a revised, broadened and updated vision for the future of higher education.

Race on campus: How one campus nearly doubled its Black faculty

Proof of concept: Will gains for students with disabilities remain after the pandemic?

Whose futures matter? How foresight can make the world more inclusive.

Can higher ed save itself?

How a futurist talks about climate change. (Excellent 30 minute session from IFTF Distinguished Fellow Jamais Cascio - it is an eye opener - yet he shares a hopeful vision.)

From Laura’s Blog: Recent post regarding Artificial Intelligence in the social environment (written for the social work community but relevant to us in higher education - big focus on equity, ethics and the future of artificial intelligence in modern life).