October 23, 2020

Welcome to Year 2 of the PSU Futures Collaboratory

Year 1 & 2 PSU Futures Fellows gathered to meet, greet, and launch year two!

Laura presented an overview of the Collaboratory, its background and campus community function -- namely to build social capacity for collective foresights thinking and praxis at PSU and throughout its networks. We reviewed end-of-year-one Futures Collaboratory recommendations & aspirations for the coming year.


Here are the overview slides from the session

Here are the housekeeping slides from the session

Here's our shared notes from both sessions

Here's the "heat map" of some "future of higher education" issues - where we explore issues of fit and interest

Here's our roster (almost complete but still have a couple of late additions coming)

We began a shared "signals practice" which you'll recall is a regular process of looking around and observing, collecting and comparing signs of change in our shared ecosystem. Signals are connected to trends - but perhaps "around the corner" from trends - what comes up after them. More to come on that. But as a way to start considering more about signals - here's a short video from IFTF to get further acquainted with the concept.