
The future doesn’t arrive fully formed. It arrives sometimes in waves, sometimes in glimpses, sometimes in gradual shifts…many of which are generally observable if you’re paying attention. — Amy Webb


In the Portland State Futures Collaboratory, we are exploring futures perspectives, models and methods, and considering what the future may hold across and beyond our own academic community. Bringing together representatives from a wide range of disciplines, identities and roles across campus, PSU is home to a cross-disciplinary thinking and "foresight" space to consider:

    • The future of student success and related higher education programming and structures

    • The future of faculty roles and adult learning

    • The future of work (US and global economies)

    • The future of our own university and how we might best respond to and shape the future

    • The role of technology and artificial intelligence in modern life

    • The impacts of climate change and inequality on human well-being and democracy

    • The future of the concept of community and cities

    • The future of political life and democracy

    • Cutting edge “academic programs” of the future

    • Other emergent topics


    • Create a protected, generative space for interdisciplinary exploration, consideration, and planning in which PSU faculty, administrators, and…begin to “imagine” and build an intentional positive future;

    • Deepen our “organizational foresightfulness” by preparing members of the learning collaborative to be ambassadors, coaches, and key futures informants to their own respective units. 1) learn from leading futurists and sector-specific key informants, 2) practice with sector scanning, 3) engage in foresight development for our own university, and 4) align with our own commitments to equity, access to higher education, and principles of academic freedom.

    • Do activities and projects that contribute to Portland State University's success.


  • Comprised of faculty, staff and students from across campus. This year (2020-2021) is our second cohort - visit the "fellows" tab to meet our community.

  • To see our current projects this year - visit the "projects" tab on this site.

  • To see our recommendations to President Percy from last year, see:

> Open presentation
-> Open report