Community Circle Activities

ANTI-RACIST circle prompts

Mindfulness Meditation:

"I Am the Change"

*Keep COVID-19 restrictions in mind, try and use large open spaces, and maintain physical distance

“Let's take a breathing break”

“Take a deep breath through your nose and make sure I can hear you...hold it in...don’t breathe out as yet...okay EXHALE through your mouth with a big sigh, make sure I can hear you”

“This time when you inhale, think of a color that makes you feel light and happy, hold it in, then let go (exhale)”

“Now, I want you to breathe in and focus on how big your stomach gets”

“Next breath, CHALLENGE TIME, inhale 6 times in one go and exhale 9 times in one go to empty out your lungs!”


  • Inhale, pause, exhale, listen to the silence.

  • Facilitator uses hand to guide group.

  • Push the limits to build capacity because the POWER IS IN THE PAUSE.

  • Everyone in the space can be encouraged to be in a similar thought-free headspace, to be able to take in the dialogue and contribute from a place of openness and love.

  • Educator can gauge a time where students are relatively relaxed to facilitate an exercise like this to build capacity for when the energy is relatively higher.

  • Not everyone will want to sit in a circle and that is okay, everyone is welcome to start however they can and engage however much they can. Modeling acceptance, openness, and love is key!

  • Remind students that this is a safe space (co-construct what that term means as part of your classroom norms). We respect each other’s POV and create a space for them to share - body language, facial expressions - all of that comes into play.

  • Please be mindful.