Priming, Associations, + Assumptions

The resources in this section help you identify, interrupt and disrupt biases and racist assumptions about First Nation, Inuit and Métis Peoples.

Identifying Anti-Indigenous Racism within our Practice

What stereotypes are being reinforced through the media? How are we actively combatting these stereotypes?

Do we privilege western knowledge systems over Indigenous ways of knowing?

What texts & resources do you use?

What is in your LLC?

What authentic Indigenous voices are embedded into your practice?

"What we need is for non-Indigenous people to do the work of learning the history... this is the critical point that Canadians don't want to recognize, that the benefits that they have, the very land that they live on, the resources that are the wealth of this nation, come at a cost to Indigenous People."

~ Dr. Susan Dion

Interrupting and Disrupting