Primary/ Junior

Meet Willie O'Ree

Discussion Questions, Making Connections, and Extensions

Scholastic Canada Biography: Meet Willie O'Ree by Elizabeth MacLeod and Mike Deas, 2020.

Discussion Questions for K-5 Students based on the text

  1. Why did Willie’s grandparents leave the United States to come to Canada?

  2. How were Willie and other Black people treated unfairly and why?

  3. How would you define racism?

  4. How did Willie stand up against some of the racism he faced?

  5. Describe the similarities and differences in the experiences of Willie O’Ree and Jackie Robinson.

  6. How did some white people feel about Black men playing professional hockey? For example, how is this described on page 12 of the text?

  7. “Black men can’t play hockey” (13). What is wrong with this statement? How do these false ideas (stereotypes) lead to Black men being mistreated and or excluded from hockey? How do you see this in other parts of society?

  8. Describe the racism that Willie and other Black hockey players faced.

  9. How did Willie persevere through the racism he faced?

  10. How did the NHL try to address the treatment that Black hockey players faced because of the colour of their skin (anti-Black racism)? Do you think they took enough measures to address it?

  11. How did Willie work to help make hockey more inclusive?

to BE Anti-Racist

Extension Activities for Primary Students

MINDS ON: What else still needs to happen to make sports more inclusive for people of different races, genders, abilities, religious backgrounds, etc.?

  1. Write a letter to regional/provincial leagues or the NHL asking them to stop racism by making rules to make Black hockey players and hockey players of colour feel more welcome.

  2. Design a poster to represent what inclusive sport should look like.

  3. Design a PSA that shares how we can include all identities in sport.

Extension Activities for Junior Students

MINDS ON: What else still needs to happen to make sports more inclusive for people of different races, genders, abilities, religious backgrounds, etc.?

  1. Write a letter to regional/provincial leagues and NHL asking them to improve a rule or practice to make Black hockey players and hockey players of colour feel more welcome and to respond to situations of harm based on racism.

  2. Design a poster to represent what inclusive sport should look like.

  3. Design a PSA that encourages hockey leagues to disrupt anti-Black racism and to take steps to be more respectful of all identities in sport.

Making Connections

Ask students to make text-to-text, text-to-self, and text-to to-world world connections. Below are some examples of questions that can be used to facilitate student connections:


What does this remind me of in another book I’ve read?

This book reminds me of... (another text) because....


What does this remind me of in my life?

How does this relate to my life?

What were my feelings when I read this?

I can relate to...(part of text) because one time....

Something similar happened to me when....


What does this remind me of in the real world?

What I just read makes me think about (event from the past) because…

What I just read makes me think about (event from today related to my own community, nation or world) because…

What I just read makes me wonder about the future because…