History, Policies and Practices

The resources in this section will help you identify, interrupt and disrupt histories, policies and practices that have contributed to anti Indigenous racism.

Identifying the histories, policies & practices of

Anti-Indigenous Racism

Unlearning & learning the truth of this place currently called Canada

Interrupting & Disrupting

Use these questions when engaging with Indigenous Knowledge:


Please visit The Indigenous Heritage Month Google Site for in-depth learning about Treaties

FNMIEAO created the following Pedagogical Considerations for Treaty Education.

● Treaties are legal agreements made between two or more Nations.

● Treaty-making preceded North American settlement.

● Treaty outlines the terms, relationship and conditions of settlement in Indigenous Territories.

● Both Settler and Indigenous Nations have a responsibility for knowing and upholding the Treaty obligations.

United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples recognizes, “the urgent need to respect and promote the rights of Indigenous peoples affirmed in treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements with States”


Avoiding Appropriation

Listen to the Anti-Racist Educator Reads Podcast to unlearn, learn and transform our practices