Anti-Racist Supports + Resources

For the Classroom, for Educators, for Administrators...

Please use this chart as a prompt for self-reflection or for group or class reflection. What might you add to this chart? What might you edit or revise? What is something you are thinking about? What do you wish to know more about? What strategies or tools or self-talk do you use to become anti-racist?

The difference between being "not racist" and antiracist | Ibram X. Kendi

TED Talk

Jun 17, 2020

Anti-Racist Supports for the Classroom

This lesson begins with a video and classroom discussion about how a person stood up to bullying. Students explore what it means to be a hero and how they can make a difference in the world.

This lesson allows students to further their online safety education. It promotes safe and informed online behaviour through encouraging youth to make safe, ethical and knowledge-based decisions online.

Free Speech and the Internet

In this lesson, students learn about the inherent tension within democratic societies between freedom of expression and freedom from hatred.

This activity focuses on what are our salient identities in particular circumstances. How do our different identities intersect, interact, and affect our daily lives?

Anti-Racism Resource Kit 2nd ed. by the Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre and the Calgary Committee on Race Relations and Cross Cultural Understanding: The purpose of the Kit is to promote and facilitate anti-racism education, at all levels of the formal education system. The goal is to ensure that every student receives appropriate and effective anti-racism education and support to address personal experiences of racism and enhance safety in self-affirming and productive ways. A resources section includes 1) The Evaluation Tool, 2) Books, 3) Websites, and 4) Videos.

Climate for Learning and Working In Action has been developed by teachers, for teachers; it is designed to give educators explicit strategies to develop, deepen, and strengthen the relationships amongst all stakeholders in schools and thus foster safe, inclusive, and welcoming environments.

Teaching young people about identity helps them to learn about their own unique identities, as well as the myriad identities in their classroom communities.

The Ontario Human Rights Commission

Anti-Racist Supports for Educators

To create an equal society, we must commit to making unbiased choices and being antiracist in all aspects of our lives.

raising anti-racist kids @raniawrites

A short guide by Rania El Mugammar

Examining how racial trauma impacts a student's sense of self and sense of well-being

Anti-Racist Supports for Administrators

What does anti-racist school leadership look like? And why would you, a principal, want to pursue it?

Anti-racist school leadership is about becoming more racially aware and taking action, explains Denisa R. Superville.