Scheduling & 

Course Selection

Program of Studies

The Program of Studies is a comprehensive overview of curriculum offered at Paramus High School.  It includes course descriptions, prerequisites as well as pertinent information regarding our school community. Students and families are encouraged to review the Program of Studies carefully prior to course selection.  

Course Planning Conferences

Students and their families will complete their course selection through the Genesis Parent/Student Portal. School counselors will then meet with each student individually to review their course selection and graduation requirements progress, explore elective offerings, and discuss the alignment of the course of study with student interests and goals. These course planning conferences will occur between late January and mid-March. 

Course Planning Conference Dates

Scheduling conference dates are as follows:

January 17–January 29: Rising 12th graders

January 31–February 9: Rising 11th graders

February 14–February 27: Rising 10th graders

March 4–March 6: Rising 9th graders

Grade Level Information

Each year, school counselors provide grade-level specific presentations for students regarding course selection. These presentations highlight changes to curriculum and review specific grade level information.