
term 4 week 6

  1. Title - Music with Matua Jade

  2. WALT explore different musical instruments and we are learning to give different types of music a go.

  3. Labels - Music, Matua Jade

  4. Write 4-5 sentences about our music sessions with Matua Jade.

  5. DLO - Add 3-5 photo's of our music session

DLO - embed our music video into your blog post - <iframesrc="" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>

  1. Correct spelling and punctuation

term 4 week 3-6

Our afternoons are going to be spent either doing athletics, completing our art activitiy or practising our waiata!

term 4 week 1-2

te reo blogpost to complete

term 3 week 8-10

te wiki o te reo māori

13 September to 19 September (13-19 Mahuru)

Māori Language Week has been celebrated each year from 1975. September 14 and commemorates the presentation of the 1972 Māori language petition to parliament.

term 3 weeks 4-7

te hiku film festival

This term we will be taking part in the Te Hiku Film Festival. The theme for the movies this year are 'VALUES'. Click on the icon to go to our Film Making site.

term 3 weeks 1-3

olympics - 23 July to 8 August

Click on the Olympic Rings to learn about the Olympics.

olympics 2021

The Olympic Games began over two thousand seven hundred years ago. The Olympics began in Olympia in ancient Greece. The Summer Olympics are an international multi-sport event, that is currently being held from 23 July to 8 August 2021 in Tokyo, Japan.

term 2 - week 9-10 - matariki


We are learning all about Matariki.

What is Matariki?

Matariki is the Māori name for a group of stars. The science name is the Pleiades and instead of ‘group’ they call it a star cluster.

It signalled the start of the Māori New Year for some tribes. Maori people followed a lunar calendar. That means that the months were organised around the moon. Marama is the name for moon. That is why the calendar is called Maramataka.

When is Matariki?

Matariki appears just before dawn in late May or early June. Different tribes celebrated Matariki at different times. Some celebrated when it was first seen. Some celebrated at the first new moon or full moon after the Matariki was seen. We now celebrate Matariki as the new Maori year, when the first full moon is seen.

Matariki is a happy event – crops had been harvested and seafood and birds had been collected. With plenty of food in the storehouses, Matariki was a time for singing, dancing and feasting.

Te Manga NZ-T-148-Matariki-PowerPoint_ver_4
The Eyes of Tawhirimatea - nz-t-27345-the-eyes-of-tawhirimatea-story-powerpoint

Check out these great videos to help us learn about Matariki.


Use Google Slides, Drawing, Docs or your topic book to CREATE at least TWO of the follow...


Explain ways you could celebrate Matariki or make a poster encouraging people to celebrate Matariki.


List foods you might harvest at Matariki or plan a menu using 5 of the foods you might harvest during Matariki.


Re-tell a story of Matariki in your own words.

You can watch this video before Thursday so you know what to do or click on the link to look at the instructions on how to make a flax star!

We will learn about the tikanga (protocols) for harvesting harakeke (flax) and about how it can be used.

term 2 - week 2-7

What does a quality blog post need?

  1. Title - Our Place, Our Stories

  2. We have been learning about the taonga in our school and community. We have also been learning our pepeha.

  3. Labels - Community, Te Reo, Taonga, School Values

  4. Write a few sentences about your learning.

For example: The taonga in our school and community help us to tell our stories. My pepeha is a way to introduce myself. It tells other people who I am and where I come from.

  1. DLO (Digital Learning Object) - Add your photos from our shared photos - Taonga, Treasure and Pepeha.

You can add your pepeha art once it is completed. Whaea Deb needs to upload your pepeha video's before you can add them.

  1. Check for correct spelling and punctuation

Click on the photo to learn about PEPEHA

Deb Thompson - Digital Pepeha

our place, our stories pepeha

We are learning our pepeha.

A pepeha is a way to introduce yourself. It tells other people who you are and where you come from. A pepeha explains how you are connected to your local environment and the connection you have with the natural world.

learning our pepeha

We have learning our pepeha for our home learning. In our topic books we are going to draw the different parts of our pepeha to help us learn it. We are going to present our pepeha to the class.

term 2 - week 2-3

Our Tamariki

Click on the photo to find out more about our pou

our place, our stories

our taonga

We have been learning about taonga at school, home and in the community. Our class went for a 'taonga hunt' around our school and this is what we found.

Our memorial for Whaea Agnes is a taonga at Paparore School.

Our beautiful school grounds

Our Kauri Tree

Our Whare

Our flagpole

Our School Values are a taonga of Paparore School.

Hiranga (Excellence), Rereketanga (Diversity), Integrity (Ngakau), Porihanga (Community and Partnership) and Kaitiakitanga (Caring for the Environement)

week 11 - anzac day

What do you know about


Click on the poppy to find out more!


Jesse and Dan's Mum has kindly brought in swan plants and caterpillars to allow our class to watch the amazing metamorphic change of the caterpillar to a butterfly. Click on the link to find out more about this amazing life cycle!

Week 8-10 - America's Cup

Last week Team New Zealand won the 36th America's Cup! We loved watching the races but what do we know about the America's Cup. Let's find out a little bit more!


Click on this link to read the article

Team New Zealand win America’s Cup

Peter Burling was the youngest helmsman NZ has ever had. He has been sailing for a long time. He has been sailing since he was a young boy. He has won many races including a gold and silver medal at the Olympic Games.

When he was 11, he aimed to sail in the America's Cup one day. He achieved that goal in 2017 and again in 2021!

The America’s Cup is a competition between two sailing teams - the defender and the challenger. Team New Zealand was the defender and Italy's Luna Rossa was the challenger.

Peter Burling was the helmsman for Team NZ and Jimmy Spithill was the helmsman for Luna Rossa.

The competition was the best of nine races. This means the first team to win five races wins the America’s Cup.

The trophy is called the 'Auld Mug' and is sport's oldest trophy.

America's Cup A-Z

Use the information on this page (videos, newspaper article, google slides) to complete an America's Cup A-Z

future goal

If you could imagine yourself in 20 years time, what would your goal be?

Write down your goal for your 20-something-year old self and explain how you are going to achieve this goal!

america's cup kahoot

We have been having fun playing an America's Cup Kahoot. You can play it at home by clicking on the KAHOOT!

  1. Title America's Cup A-Z and Dear Future Me

  2. We have been learning about the America's Cup Yacht Race.

WALT set goals for our future self.

  1. Labels - Topic, America's Cup

  2. Peter Burling was the youngest helmsman NZ has ever had. He set a goal when he was 11 to race in the America's Cup when he grew up. I am setting myself a goal for 'My Future Self'.

  3. DLO (Digital Learning Object) - My Future Self google drawing png and your A-Z photo which is in our shared drive.

  4. Correct spelling and punctuation

Week 7 - st patrick's day

St Patrick's Day is celebrated around the world on 17th March every year BUT why do we dress up in green? What is a shamrock? How do people celebrate St Patrick's Day. We are going to find out using the following activities and KAHOOT!

Facts and Questions.pdf
DW and RD St Patricks Day

st patrick's kahoot

We have been having fun learning about Saint Patrick's Day You can play it at home by clicking on the KAHOOT!

ireland kahoot

We have been learning about Ireland. You can play our Ireland KAHOOT at home by clicking on the shamrock!

Week 1 - 3 - te tiriti o waitangi

treaty of waitangi

We have been learning about the Treaty of Waitangi. You can play it at home by clicking on the KAHOOT!

the treaty of waitangi

check out this cool animation that Bailey from te kauru 2019 made.

Bailey's Waitangi Day Animation


Let's read about Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Follow along with Whaea Deb ...

Waitangi Day is our national day.

What does Waitangi Day mean to you?

Complete the Waitangi Day CLOZE activity and glue it into your red reading book.

create a poster to share your waitangi day learning

Create a poster sharing what you have learnt about Waitangi Day. You can use Google Drawing, Google Docs or your topic book.

Make sure you:

- Have a clear title: WAITANGI DAY

- Add at least 3 facts that you have learnt about Waitangi Day.

- Include at least 3 pictures or illustrations on your poster.

Share your poster on your blog

What does a quality blog post need?

  • Title

  • WALT

  • At least 3 sentences explaining your learning to your readers.

  • Labels

  • DLO (Digital Learning Object)

  • Correct spelling and punctuation

all about me

You are going to complete an All About Me activity to share interesting facts about yourself with the class.

Complete the template draft, make sure you think carefully about your answers.

Once you are finished you will need to edit carefully before moving onto publishing.