roald dahl

TERM 4 - WEEK 5-7


WALT respond to different types of poems. We are going to use different poems to help us practice our reading strategies.

Term 4 Poetry - L2-3

You are going to use the google slide resource to complete your reading this week. Each day complete a poetry activity in your red reading book then move onto YOUR CHOICE.

Title - Poetry

  1. WALT respond to different types of poems. We are going to use different poems to help us practice our reading strategies.

  2. Labels - Reading, Poetry

  3. Explain what rhyme is and add some examples from the poem.

  4. Explain what alliteration is and add some examples from the poem.

  5. Add your Sand Circle video into your blog post. Use your chrome book to take a photo of some of your poetry work from your red book to add into your blog post

  6. Correct spelling and punctuation

TERM 4 -WEEK 1-3

(Assessments are being completed during reading sessions in Weeks 1-3;

PAT Reading, PAT Maths, STAR Reading and e-AsTTle writing)


WALT explain what we are reading by summarising the text.

PM Readers

L20 + Ready to Reads PDF and audio books

Ready to Reads

Books from Home

Complete a lesson from My Lessons or English Skills Online each sd

Choose one of the texts to complete the follow activities ...


  1. CREATE a poster to explain what the text was about (summarise) on a piece of paper, Google Drawing or Google Slides.

  2. Your poster must have the following:

  • Title

  • Author

  • At least - 7-10 sentences (2-3 text boxes)

  • At least 3 pictures

  • Think about your presentation, use of colour etc

5. Check your poster for correct spelling and punctuation!

6. SHARE on your blog!


  1. Choose 10 interesting or tricky words from the text.

  2. Use a dictionary to find out what each word means. You can write the meanings on paper or using your chromebook.

  3. Display one or all of the words in an interesting way on on a piece of paper, Google Drawing, Google Docs or Google Slides. CREATE - GET CREATIVE!

  1. SHARE on your blog!

your choice

Use login to access your online PM books.

Online Reading

Read and comment on our class and school blogs.

Typing Practice

Activity THEN Game

term 3 - week 8-10


WALT identify parts of a persuasive text.

Make a copy of this slide deck and put it in your reading folder.

Reading Slides Roald Dahl


  1. Title - Persuasive Texts

  2. WALT identify parts of a persuasive text

  3. Labels - Reading

  4. DLO - Google Slide Deck

  5. Check your spelling and punctuation.

term 3 - week 6-7


WALT sound out unknown words and understand the main ideas in the text.

The google slide deck below is your reading this week. Read each of the text then choose one to complete the activities.

You HAVE a copy of this slide deck in your reading folder!

T3 W7 Roald Dahl
Roald Dahl Term 3 Week 6


  1. Title Online Reading

  2. WALT sound out unknown words and understand the main ideas in the text.

  3. Labels - Reading

  4. DLO - Google Slide Deck

  5. Check your spelling and punctuation.

term 3 - week 4-5

We are going to read texts related to values to help us with our stories for the film festival.


SJ L2 August 2019 - Max and Alice by Bernard Beckett

This is a story about how being kind to others can help you to make friends.

WALT make connections between the theme of the story and our own experience of supporting friends or being supported.

Week 4 SJL2-Max and Alice


Exploring Language (offline)

Complete the comprehension questions and vocabulary activity.


  1. Max and Alice by Bernard Beckett

  2. WALT make connections between the theme of the story and our own experience of supporting friends or being supported.

  3. Labels - Reading, Topic

  4. DLO

  5. Check your spelling and punctuation.

term 3 - week 1-3


Olympic Games

  • We are learning about the Olympic Games.

  • WALT skim and scan information to answer questions about the Olympics.

  • Offline - Read about the Olympics and check your knowledge by answering the questions.

  • Read All About Japan - Read with Whaea Saroya. Check out these videos to learn more about Japan.

Read - Staying in a Japanese home

Year 5 : Part 01 No. 3 : 1994 : Pgs 22-26


  • Complete the Venn Diagram about the Ancient Olympics vs Modern Olympics.

  • Make a copy of the google drawing and save it in your reading book.

CREATE a POSTER (google docs, drawing, slides) about JAPAN using interesting facts from your reading about Japan.

Add a clear title - Japan - Nihon

Add at least 5 interesting facts you have learnt about the Japan

Add at least 3 photos

Exploring Language (offline)

Complete an Olympic word search to build up your Olympic vocabulary.


  1. The Olympic Games

  2. We are learning about the Olympic Games.

WALT skim and scan information to answer questions about the Olympics.

  1. Labels - Reading, Topic, Olympics

  2. DLO - Venn Diagram and poster

  3. Check your spelling and punctuation.

term 2 - week 10

Te Manga NZ-T-148-Matariki-PowerPoint_ver_4

Click on the link to read more about Matariki.

term 2 - week 8-9


Nga Mahi a te Rehia

Māori Games

We are learning about the games that Māori played in the past.

WALT find out the meanings if interesting or tricky words to build our vocabulary.

Exploring Language

  • Read the story with a buddy.

  • Choose 10 interesting/ tricky words from the text and add to your vocabulary notebook.

  • Discuss these words with your partner - do you know what these words mean?

Complete a lesson from My Lessons or English Skills Online


To support the understanding of this text ...

  • Work in pairs to create questions for a Kahoot. Click on this link to add your quetions to our shared document.

  • Choose 2 games to find out more information about.

  • Use google search to find out more information about the games.

  • CREATE a presentation on google slides about the games you have chosen.

  • Please include at least 3 pictures and 1 video in your presentation.


  1. Nga Mahi a te Rehia Māori Games

  2. We are learning about the games that Māori played in the past.

  3. Labels - Reading, Topic

  4. What did you learn while you were reading?

  5. DLO - Google Slides

  6. Check your spelling and punctuation.

your choice

Use login to access your online PM books on your bookshelf.

Choose 3 books to read this week

Online Reading

Book Box Reading

Read and comment on our class and school blogs.

Typing Practice

Activity THEN Game

term 2 - week 7


Term 2 Class Assembly - Legends

term 2 - week 4-6


Ngāti Kurī Proud

by Tim Tipene

Level 2, November 2019

WALT explore the various stories about why the iwi is named Ngāti Kurī .

SJL2 Ngāti Kurī Proud (1).pdf

Complete a lesson from My Lessons or English Skills Online


Comprehension (online)

  • Make a copy and save in your reading folder. Use the text to help you answer the questions.

NAME RD Ngāti Kurī Proud SJ Level 2 November 2019
  • Exploring Language (offline)

Complete the vocabulary sheet and word search


  1. Ngāti Kurī Proud by Tim Tipene

  2. WALT explore the various stories about why the iwi is named Ngāti Kurī .

  3. Labels - Reading

  4. What did you learn while you were reading?

  5. DLO

  6. Check your spelling and punctuation.

term 2 - week 2-3


JJ 61 - Kākahu Pekepeke

WALT make connections between information in the article and their prior knowledge to make inferences.

63706-Junior Journal 61-Kakahu Pekepeke.pdf
JJ 61 Kākahu Pekepeke.mp3

Complete a lesson from My Lessons or English Skills Online


  • Exploring Language (offline)

  • Word Scramble and Wordfind

  • Comprehension Activity

Make a copy and save in your reading folder. Use the text to help you answer the questions.

Junior Journal 61 Roald Dahl Term 2 Week 3


  1. Kākahu Pekepeke

  2. WALT make connections between information in the article and their prior knowledge to make inferences.

  3. Labels - Reading

  4. What did you learn while you were reading?

  5. DLO

  6. Check your spelling and punctuation.

term 2 - week 1


In class with Mrs Radich THEN move on to the following activities!

Complete a lesson from My Lessons or English Skills Online


In class with Mrs Radich


  1. Title Reading with Mrs Radich

  2. WALT ... (add your learning intention in)

  3. Labels - Reading

  4. What did you learn while you were reading?

  5. What did you enjoy?

  6. What was tricky?

  7. DLO

  8. Check your spelling and punctuation.

term 1 - week 10-11


We are learning to:

Think about what we know and make connections to what we're reading.


Use your chromebook to access your online PM books on your bookshelf.

Choose 3-5 books to read this week.

Complete a lesson from My Lessons or English Skills Online


CHOOSE one of the books you have read and CHOOSE TWO of the following activities to complete.

  • Write down 5 interesting or tricky words and find out what they mean.

  • Write 2-3 sentences about the story and read your sentences aloud.

  • Draw a picture to illustrate your writing!

  • Share 3-5 interesting parts of your book on a poster or google slide


What does a quality blog post need?

  1. Title PM Readers

  2. WALT think about what we know and make connections to what we're reading.

  3. Labels - Reading

  4. What did you learn while you were reading?

  5. What did you enjoy?

  6. What was tricky?

  7. DLO

  8. Check your spelling and punctuation.

term 1 - week 8-9


SJ L2 2016 - SEALS

WALT find out some interesting facts and information about seals.

English Skills or Learning Map


WALT use our reading strategies to find information in the text.

Make a copy of the google doc. Use the text to help you to find the answers.

NAME SJ L2 2016 - SEALS - Seals

CREATE a poster using google slides or google drawing to share the following information about SEALS;

■ Add a title

  • Include 3-5 interesting facts about seals.

  • Add 2-3 photos/pictures


  1. Title - SEALS

  2. WALT use our reading strategies to find information in the text.

  3. Labels - Reading

  4. Add your SEALS poster - Google Drawing

  5. Check your spelling and punctuation.

your choice

Use login to access your online PM books on your bookshelf.

Choose 3 books to read this week

Online Reading

Book Box Reading

Read and comment on our class and school blogs.

Typing Practice

term 1 week 6

the great reading adventure assembly

Lots of practice, practice and more practice this week!

English Skills or Learning Map

Use login to access your online PM books on your bookshelf.

Choose 3 books to read this week

Online Reading

Book Box Reading

Read and comment on our class and school blogs.

Typing Practice

term 1 week 4-5

Undersea Gardens audio.mp3

Click on this image to find out more about Young Ocean Explorers


We are learning about undersea gardens.

WALT skim and scan for information to find out what is in an 'undersea garden.'


Make a copy of the poster and file it in your reading folder. You will need to follow the instructions to complete the task.


  1. Title - Undersea Gardens

  2. Learning Intention - WALT skim and scan for information to find out what is in an 'undersea garden.'

  3. 1-2 sentences explaining your learning to your readers.

  4. Labels - Topic, Reading

  5. DLO (Digital Learning Object)

  6. Correct spelling and punctuation


English Skills or Learning Map

Use login to access your online PM books on your bookshelf.

Choose 3 books to read this week

Online Reading

Book Box Reading

Read and comment on our class and school blogs.

Typing Practice

term 1 week 2-3


Tiakina a Tangaroa

SJ October 2011

WALT find information in the text using our skimming and scanning skills.

We are going to find out:

- Why marine reserves have been created

- How to identify the effect of pollution on beaches.

Read with the group, listen to the audio, read with a buddy!

Taikina a Tangaroa -Story.pdf

Click on this audio file and read along with the text.

Tiakina a Tangaroa – Protect Our Seas.mp3


Make a copy of the google slide, name it and file it in your reading folder

NAME Tiakina a Tangaroa - Protect Our Seas School Journal Level 2 October 2011


What does a quality blog post need?

  1. Title - Tiakina a Tangaroa

  2. Learning Intention - I am learning to skim and scan for information.

  3. 1-2 sentences explaining your learning to your readers.

  4. Labels - Topic, Reading

  5. DLO (Digital Learning Object)

  6. Learning Reflection - What did I do well? What was tricky?

  7. Correct spelling and punctuation

all about sharks


All About Sharks

WALT skim and scan to find information in the text.

Use your PM login to access your online PM books on your bookshelf.

You have 5 books to choose from once you read your group book. Read a new book each day!


All About Sharks

Choose a CREATE activity to share on your blog.

  • CREATE a poster using google docs, drawing or slides.

Add at least 5 shark facts and 3 photos

  • CREATE an animation using SLIDES or SCRATCH to share facts from the story.


  1. Title - All About Sharks

  2. WALT skim and scan to find information in the text.

  3. Labels - Reading

  4. DLO

  5. Reflection - What did I do well? What did I find tricky?

  6. Check your spelling and punctuation.

the hare and the tortoise


The Hare and the Tortoise

WALT comprehend (understand) what we are reading by THINKING about the text as we read.

Use your PM login to access your online PM books on your bookshelf.


CHOOSE a CREATE activity to share on your blog.

  • Use autodraw to CREATE a picture from the text.

  • Add your picture and speech bubbles to a google drawing to re-tell part of the story.

  • CREATE an animation using SLIDES or SCRATCH to share a part of the story.


  1. Title - The Hare and the Tortoise

  2. WALT comprehend (understand) what we are reading by THINKING about the text as we read.

  3. Labels - Reading

  4. DLO

  5. Reflection - What did I do well? What did I find tricky?

  6. Check your spelling and punctuation.

the boy who cried wolf


The Boy Who Cried Wolf

WALT retell a story.

Think about what happens at the beginning, in the middle and at the end.

Use your PM login to access your online PM books on your bookshelf.


Use the google slide deck to help you re-tell the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Make a copy and file it in your reading folder.

The Boy who Cried Wolf Retold by NAME


  1. Title - The Boy Who Cried Wolf

  2. WALT retell a story using picture prompts to help.

  3. Labels - Reading

  4. Infomation Web - DLO

  5. Reflection - What did I do well? What did I find tricky?

  6. Check your spelling and punctuation.

puss in boots



WALT retell a story.

Think about what happens at the beginning, in the middle and at the end.

Use your PM login to access your online PM books on your bookshelf.


Re-tell the story of Puss in Boots in your own words.

Use google docs, google draw or google slides.

Use the partial screenshot tool to add pictures to your slide to help you re-tell the story.


  1. Title - Puss in Boots

  2. WALT retell a story using picture prompts to help.

  3. Labels - Reading

  4. Infomation Web - DLO

  5. Reflection - What did I do well? What did I find tricky?

  6. Check your spelling and punctuation.


WALT identify words or phrases that may be unfamiliar and discuss their meaning.

We are learning why weta are so special in NZ.


Reading Purpose - We are going to find out about the characteristics and behaviours of wētā and why wētā are special.

What do you know about weta?


  • Use the glossary at the end of the article.

  • Scan the illustrations to help you to make connections to what you know about weta.

  • Read the article.


  • Choose 2 activities to complete in your red book or online (google doc, drawing or slides)

  1. Write down 5 interesting or tricky words and explain what they mean.

  2. Create a poster sharing at least 5 interesting facts about weta

  3. Use this graphic organiser to create an information chart about weta.


What does a quality blog post need?

  1. Title - Weta

  2. WALT identify words or phrases that may be unfamiliar and discuss their meaning.

  3. Labels - Topic, Reading

  4. Write 2 sentences explaining your learning to your readers. What did you find interesting? What surprised you?

  5. Reflection - What did I do well? What was tricky? How can I extend myself next time?

  6. DLO (Digital Learning Object)

  7. Correct spelling and punctuation

extraordinary earthworms

RTR-Extraordinary Earthworms-Online.pdf
Extraordinary Earthworms audio.mp3


Complete the CLOZE activity and WORD FIND.

Extraordinary Earthworms Cloze.pdf

We are learning to:

  • Find information in this text to find out why earthworms are extraordinary.

  • Think about what we know and make connections to what we're reading.


  • What do you know about earthworms.

  • What does extraordinary mean?

  • Read through the headings and predict what the text will tell them.


Listen to the audio and follow the text

Read the text to yourself.

Read the text with your group


Make a copy of the google document and complete the follow up reading activity.

NAME Week 7 Extraordinary Earthworms

the white-tailed spider

RTR-White Tailed Spider-Online.pdf
The White-tailed Spider audio.mp3
NAME Week 7 Extraordinary Earthworms

We are learning to:

Use the information in this text to find out about white-tailed spiders

Think about what we know and make connections to what we're reading.

Ask questions and locate information in the text.


How do you feel about spiders? Would you like to keep one as a pet, do you scream when you see one?


Listen to the audio and follow the text

Read the text to yourself.

Read the text with your group


Make a copy of the google document and complete the follow up reading activity.

NAME Week 6 The White-tailed Spider


What does a quality blog post need?

  1. Title - The White-tailed Spider

  2. Learning Intention - I am learning to use the information in this text to find out about white-tailed spiders

  3. 1-2 sentences explaining your learning to your readers.

  4. Labels - Topic, Reading

  5. DLO (Digital Learning Object) - photos of some creatures from the book.

  6. Correct spelling and punctuation


Camouflage audio.mp3

We are learning to:

Use the information in this text to find out about white-tailed spiders

Think about what we know and make connections to what we're reading.

Ask questions and locate information in the text.


What does camouflage mean?

Do you know any examples of any insects or animals that camouflage themselves?


Listen to the audio and follow the text with your eyes.

Read the text to yourself.

Read the text to someone at home.


Make a copy of the google document and complete the follow up reading activity.

NAME Term 2 Week 5 Camouflage


What does a quality blog post need?

  1. Title - Camouflage

  2. Learning Intention - I am learning to ask questions and locate information in the text.

  3. 1-2 sentences explaining your learning to your readers.

  4. Labels - Topic, Reading

  5. DLO (Digital Learning Object) - photos of some creatures from the book.

  6. Correct spelling and punctuation

term 2 week 2 - poetry activities

WALT skim and scan the text to look for information

Tui-JJ49 L2 2014.pdf

How many blends can you find in this poem?

What is the 'great green whare' ?

Who is the master of mimicry?

Where does the Tui like to live?

Do you know what the Maori words in the poem mean?

Can you work out what the maori words for the following insects are?

ladybird -

butterfly -

bees -

spider -

cicada -


(Choose a POEM and complete TWO of the following activities in your red book or online)

Write down 5 interesting or tricky words and ask someone what they mean.

Write 1-2 sentences about the poem and read your sentences aloud.

Practice your handwriting - copy one verse from the poem as tidily as you can.

Draw a picture to illustrate the poem

Junior journal 57 - Power from the Sun

JJ57-Power from the Sun.pdf

Read the text while you listen to the audio!

JJ57-Power from the Sun.pdf - Google Drive.webm

WALT work out the meaning of tricky words.

WALT stop and check our reading if it doesn't make sense.

before reading

Think about what you know about the SUN.

How does the sun give us POWER?

Have you heard of SOLAR ENERGY before?

DuRING reading

Listen to the audio and follow the text with your eyes.

Read the text to yourself.

Read the text to someone at home.

After reading

(Choose one of the activities to complete in your red book or online)

Write down 5 interesting or tricky words and ask someone what they mean.

Write 1-2 sentences about the solar energy and read your sentences aloud.

Draw a picture to illustrate something from the story.

Create a poster about 'solar energy'.

Share your learning on your blog.

What does a quality blog post need?

  1. Title - Power from the Sun

  2. Learning Intention - I am learning about Solar Energy.

  3. 1-2 sentences explaining your learning to your readers.

  4. Labels - Topic, Reading

  5. DLO (Digital Learning Object) - photo, video, google slide etc

  6. Correct spelling and punctuation