Coral Sunset Elementary
LIA Tutoring Program
Leadership through service!
Latinos In Action at Boca Raton Community High School is proud to be partnering with Coral Sunset Elementary School for this year's tutoring/mentorship program.
Cynthia Gil
ESOL School Counselor/504 Designee/PBS Internal Coach
Coral Sunset Elementary School
My is Cynthia Gil. I was born and raised in Belle Glade, Florida, a small town that is known for growing sugar cane and many other things. My parents were immigrants from Nicaragua and Cuba. I was the first one in my family to attend college. I earned my AA degree at Palm Beach Community College. Then I earned my Bachelor's Degree in Business. I then earned my Masters Degree in Psychology. I knew I wanted to work with students and help guide them in the direction to get them to college or any career they want to pursuit. I've been a School Counselor since 2016 and I love working with all of my students.
What do you like about the LIA Program?
I love this program because it has helped my students and others students in so many ways. This program gives guidance, confidence, belonging, and knowledge. The students that participate in this program have the opportunity to make connections with so many different people, that can help them achieve their graduating goals. Growing up as a first generation Latina in the USA was a challenge to say the least; I wish this program were available to me and my peers when we were growing up.
How has the tutoring program with Boca High benefited your students?
First, I want to thank Boca High students and Mr. Sloan for the opportunity to learn and grow. The students have poured so much knowledge into my students and myself as well. My students now know that there are students like them in high school and middle school. It has given them a sense of connection and belonging to something that is a really big deal. Their confidence has grown since the beginning of the program. They've learned so much about the different Latin cultures, from foods, dances, animals, and people who've made a difference in the world.
Would you recommend the program to other elementary schools?
I would most definitely recommend this vital program to other elementary schools, because this program instills so many positive influences. Primary learning years are the foundation to our future, therefore the quality of this program will prepare the students for the future. This program has created everlasting memories and this has inspired my students to learn more about their countries and also think about college and what careers they are interested in.
Meet our Jr. LIA tutoring students!
Daniel Ramirez - 5th Grade
What do you like about the LIA program?
I like the tutorial that shows how to do food and videos interesting about other people
How has the tutoring program with Boca High benefited you?
It helps me learn about other places that I didn't know exist in South America?
Would you like to recommend the program to other elementary schools?
Yes, I would so that the program gets more recognition.
My name is Daniel I am in 5th grade I am 11 years old and i like to play soccer, tennis and other sports i like to science and astronomy. I am from Venezuela but i was born in USA I had to leave Venezuela because of the things that were happening a lot of my friends leave too because of the government When I was 9 years old I had played a tournament between states we lost at the final but we got most of the trophies because we scored more goals than the other teams and we got less goals scored in our goal in the whole tournament the teams only scored on us 2 goals. And this is my bio for now because I have a lot of time to life.
Beatriz Andrade - 5th Grade
What do you like about the LIA program?
One thing that I like about the LIA program is that we always do fun stuff to learn.
How has the tutoring program with Boca High benefited me?
It has benefited me by me learning more about Brazil and other Latin countries
Would you recommend the program to other elementary schools?
Yes, I would but I would like to pick someone to replace me.
My name is Beatriz Andrade. I am 11 years old, I was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. My birthday is on 03/29/10.I love meeting new people. I also like learning new things that is one reason why I like LIA.I also like drawing and LIA asks us to do that I gladly do it. Its so fun! Since I love drawing so much a lot of my writing is displayed at my school. I do really good in math and writing. I also like learning different cultures. I have a hamster. Her name is Honey. My goal is to be a Doctor, and I go towards that.
Isadora Aguiar - 5th Grade
What do you like about the LIA program?
I like how they can explain Brazilian culture and Hispanic coulter at the same time and how we get to draw and color things they send us.
How has the tutoring program with Boca High benefited me?
its nice I learned lots about history in the Brazilian and Hispanic culture.
Would you recommend the program to other elementary schools?
I would recommend to talk about Brazilian tribes and other kinds of countries.
My Bio:
My name is Isadora I’m in 5th grade and I’m 11 years old. I like to play games and do small projects when I'm bored, like small decorations for my room.I like to draw pictures when I’m in my room since It’s so boring and pale in my room, I like to decorate my room with my beautiful drawings. I’m from Brazil but I was born in America. My parents decided to move me back to the US to learn English so I can speak to people here. I like to go to my school for one reason only and that is because I got to join the LIA team and I love it because I get to draw, and do small projects when I go there.
Nicole Filatov - 5th Grade
What do you like about the LIA program?
What i like the most about the LIA program is that i can learn something new everyday!!
How has the tutoring program with bora high school benefited you?
It has benefited me because they showed me things I didn't even know about and other things I didn't know about MY OWN country.
Would you recommend the program to other elementary students?
Yes because other kids should learn things like I did and maybe things they didn't even know either, so yes.
My Bio:
My name is Nicole, and i'm in fifth grade. I'm 11 years old, I like cute dogs, sometimes cats. I was born in 2010, Jan, 29th. There are alot of things I like and things I don't like. I have fun with my friends. I love running and racing when friends do. And I LOVE playing with my brother. He can be annoying sometimes but I love him. Also I love being in ELA because it has shown me more things about all around the world. I love how they make me understand more. :)
Jose Nunez - 5th Grade
What do you like about the LIA proram?
What I like about LIA is that I can be with my type of people.
How has the tutoring program with Boca High benefited me?
It benefits learning about different Latin places in the world.
Would you recommend the program to other elementary schools?
Yes I would recommend LIA to other schools because they will like it.
Hi my name is Jose Nunez and my favorite thing to do is play sports and go outside and my favorite sport to play is baseball and my favorite thing to do when i’m outside is play with friends like to play tag and play inside.
Ana Julia Felicio - 5th Grade
What do you like about the LIA program?
I like LIA because I learn about new things about my culture, I meet new people and new places.
How has the tutoring program with Boca High benefited me?
It benefits me because I learn new things that I would not learn elsewhere
Would you recommend the program to other elementary schools?
I would totally recommend doing LIA because you learn so much and make new friends and new cultures
My name is Ana Julia Felicio , I´m 10 years old ,I was born on June 25, 2010 ,I´m Brazilian ,I enjoy LIA because I learn new things and I have LOTS of fun , with all the amazing things they teach us . Like one time we learned about Selena and I loved it. I was so interested that when I got home ALL I could talk about was Selena and when I mean all, I MEAN ALL . I also love how nice and sweet they are. I would love to do this again and who knows maybe one day I will be teaching LIA who knows? Bye have a nice day/night/afternoon!
Vanessa Figueras - 5th Grade
What do you like about the LIA program?
I like the LIA program because I can learn more about my culture. And it helps more with my language.
How has the tutoring program with Boca High benefited you?
It helps me learn about animals that are from my state/city and so much more.
Would you recommend the program to other elementary schools?
Yes, because this is really helpful to learn more about your culture. Also, you sometimes get to do fun activities.
My name is Vanessa, my birthday is September, 10 2009 which means I'm 11 and iI am in 5th grade. I was born in Venezuela, Caracas. Two of my favorite animals are baby polar bears and baby pandas! Some of my favorite colors are black, white, baby blue and red. I have a big brother named Erick. He is 15 and is in High School. My favorite hobbies are basketball, soccer and dancing. One thing that i love doing is being with my friends and families, they make me feel safe and feel comfortable around them.
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