Vanaf 15 Mei 2020 gaan ons Google Classroom gebruik as ons leer-platform. Daar sal 'n oorgangsfase wees van ongeveer 2 weke, waar tydens werk steeds op hierdie blad geplaas sal word, maar ook op Google Classroom. Na die twee weke oorgangsperiode sal werk slegs deur middel van Google Classroom deur gegee word.

Dit is dus van uiterste belang dat al die seuns so gou as moontlik hulle gebruikersnaam, wagwoord en klaskodes kry.

From 15 May 2020 Boys' High will be using Google Classroom as our Learning Management System in the whole school. There will be a transitional phase of two weeks, where work will be posted both on Classroom and on this website. After the transition period, work will only be posted on Google Classroom.

It is therefor imperative that everybody get their username and password as well as the necessary class codes.

What do I do when it says I require permission to access a file?

Since Classroom and all the files associated with it is only available to Boys' High learners, you will not be able to access the files if you are signed in with your personal Google Account. Before you request access check if you are using your school account.

Can I sign in from more than one device?

Yes Classroom can be accessed from any device, you just need to sign in.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Wat benodig jy om Google Classroom te gebruik?

Elke seun moet 'n gebruiksnaam en wagwoord vir beide Office 365 en Google hê. Jou registeronderwyser sal jou unieke gebruikersnaam en wagwoord vir jou stuur as jy dit nie reeds het nie.

Jy benodig ook die klaskodes vir jou spesifieke vakke en onderwysers. Die klaskodes sal teen Vrydag 15 Mei 2020 hier geplaas word.

Why are we moving to Classroom?

As we deal with the reality that lockdown is going to be with us for a while longer, we realised that we need a more robust platform to manage distance learning. Google Classroom will make it easier for teachers to connect with the boys and for the boys to get the support and structure they need. It also streamline the process of handing in assignments and provide a wider variety of activities.

Why do I need a school account?

In order to comply with the School's Act, Child Protection Act and PoPI Act, school have to put measures in place to protect their learners. This would not be possible when learners use their personal accounts. Google Classroom is a closed environment or domain that only allow Boys' High learners access.

Hoekom kry ek 'n Mircrosoft 365 en Google account?

- Office 365 gee vir jou toegang na al die Microsoft produkte. Jy kan Word, Excel, ens. install op jou rekenaar, slimfoon en tablet. Outlook word gebruik met jou skool eposse.

- Google gee vir jou toegang tot Google Classroom. Die skool gebruik Google Classroom om al jou skoolwerk op te laai.

Jy moet by albei die twee kan inlog.

Do I need an app for Classroom?

Like all Google products Classroom can be accessed through any device. There is a Classroom app and we would strongly suggest that if they are able to the boys do download the app as the app would send them notifications whenever a teacher post new work. It also makes it much easier to make use of the camera on the phone to take a photo/video and upload it.

But in some cases it is easier to access Classroom on a computer using

Log into Classroom.MP4

What do I do if I encounter a problem?

  • Restart your device.

  • Check if there is a newer version of the Classroom app available.

  • When last did you update the operating system on your device?

  • Try to access Classroom from a different device.

  • Contact your friends and check if they are also experiencing problems.

  • Wait an hour or two before you try again, with the huge increase in online traffic even Google's servers sometimes struggle.

If none of the above solve the problem contact the school at to make us aware of the problem.

What is the difference between the Stream and Classwork pages?

The stream is a chronological list of everything that is happening in the class. On the Classwork page you the work is ordered under topics. Most learners prefer to always work from the classwork page.

Does the assignments count for marks?

An assignment is any activity that has a deadline or expect you to perform some sort of action, even if it is just to click on "MARK AS DONE."

It does not necessarily mean that it is an assessment. Even when there is marks allocated, it is often just a way to give quick feedback.


Assignments have a due date, appear in your todo list and once you are done you should mark it as done.


Material is any resource that you might get to use.


This could be a survey, multiple choice question or a classroom discussion.

Class codes:

It is your responisibility to join all your classes using their specific class code.

Google Classroom Codes (2).pdf