Be the Three!

Core Values  for Oxford Public Schools:

Be the Three: Respectful, Responsible, and Safe


We believe that students are at the forefront of every decision we make, in strong respectful interpersonal relationships that assume positive intent, that everyone matters and belongs, and that responsibility and safety are necessary for success.

A.M. Chaffee School:  We promote the core values throughout the school.  Our intention is for students to Be the Three in the classroom, specials, hallways, lunchroom, and recess.  When students are demonstrating the core values, they are awarded a Be the 3 sticker.  Each month students who have received Be the 3 stickers will be randomly chosen to receive a special prize.   Assemblies in February, April, and June will highlight students that consistently demonstrate the core values.

Clara Barton Elementary: We promote the core values throughout the school.  Posters are displayed as a reminder of the expectations for our learning community.  A weekly video is shown by our principal, Ms. Hill, that emphasizes the Be the 3 focus in school, in the hallways ,bathrooms, and bus.